Goodbye- Extra Chapter 1

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This is an AU fanfiction (Sakura Tree x Boy).

This is an alternate ending to the original series, just for the fun of it! There are only going to be two chapters so this is going to be quite long, the same goes for the next.

Happy end.

If you're fine with it then please enjoy!

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Side M.


It was the fourth spring he spent alone after that incident.

Of course, he had his friends by his side, and even met new ones like Kashitarou. What he meant was that he never got a lover after that. Not that Mafu had one to begin with, after all, that man was his first love.

Many had told him that there were still plenty more, just like how there were a lot of fishes in the sea for him to choose from, that it was time to let it go and find a new one. One thing they did not understand from it was that Mafu could not do it. It was not that he did not try looking for one, but it was because every time he tried to think of them as a potential lover, he thought of the spring he spent from four years ago.

When they cupped his face, petted his hair, held his hands; every time, and without failing, Soraru's face would come up into his mind. He could not. He just could not help it. He did not find interest in any of them. His heart never beat as fast as back then. Simple things like Soraru having his eyes on him or their fingers barely touching when they sit together was enough to make his heart pound hard against his chest. Those times were the times he cherished.

And then it was spring again.

The very season he could never forget about. It was short and bitter, but it was also sweet as the time they shared was intoxicating. He smiled, laughed, got mad at him, and even shed tears for him. But that was proof that they spent one of the four seasons together.

The mark was still on Mafu even after Soraru left. With how things normally do work, it should have disappeared along with the spirit but it did not. He could see it on his neck if he craned it a little to the left in the mirror every morning. Before falling asleep on his bed, even without having to see it in the mirror, he knew where the mark was and would touch it with his fingertips, remembering about Soraru.

"So up until the end, you still had no idea what the mark meant, huh?" Amatsuki asked as he brought the cup of coke to his lips, deciding to bring this topic back up again after so long. He was the only person who never tried convincing Mafu into looking for someone else to start a relationship with, and forget about Soraru along the way, which Mafu appreciated him for that. As expected from his best friend who knew about him.

It was just another day in spring, the fourth one after that special one. He went to Amatsuki's house to have a chat with him since he did not have anything else better to do. Kashitarou was there as well, lying down on the couch where Amatsuki was sitting with his head on Amatsuki's lap. He had his mask on today as well, just like always. It was hard to see his face but Mafu knew he fell asleep. It must have been great to feel a sense of security to be sleeping in front of an outsider like Mafu.

Mafu nodded at Amatsuki's question. Soraru did not tell him about it nor did he have the chance to. He only knew about the where the mark was after Kashitarou mentioned about it that day after he came home, all drenched in rain water. Amatsuki came to wrap him in a towel and turned on the heater in the living room, then he went into the kitchen to make something warm for him.

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