Chapter 27- Pale Black Virus Pt. 3

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(No One's P.O.V.)

The bullhead lands at Beacon Academy. 

They all come walking out of it. 

Qrow: We should probably get you introduced to Ozpin first. He'll need to know of your arrival. 

Caleb nods. 

Qrow: He'll also want to know Ruby got back here safely. 

Caleb: We should probably do that right now. I did what I could, but we should also get Ruby to the infirmary if you have one here. 

Qrow nods. 

Qrow: Come on. 

The six of them enter the elevator to Ozpin's office, going up. 

Opening, the six of them come walking out into Ozpin's office. Ozpin sitting at his desk, noticing them. 

Ozpin: Ah. Good to see you made it back. And I also see you brought someone else. 

Qrow: We found Ruby way quicker than we thought. He's the one who took her in and looked after her. 

Ozpin: Is he? 

Ruby: There is a pretty massive chance I wouldn't be standing here right now if it wasn't for him. 

Ozpin: I see. Could you tell me the story of what happened? 

Yang: The four of us got into a fight with some bandits. It didn't really go too well. Well enough for us to get out of it, but the infected turned up, and Ruby got separated from us before we left. 

Ruby: After, I found myself wandering through the nearby woods, and that's when I met Caleb. He took me in and bandaged the wound that I got. 

Ozpin: Well, it is very good to see you alive and well. And it would seem that we owe you a debt of gratitude, Caleb. You helped keep one of my students alive. 

Caleb: It wasn't a problem. Helping out people is what you do. 

Ozpin: I suppose it is. Now I'm assuming you can't wait to do proper introductions, so I won't keep you from doing that too much longer. I only have one more thing left to say. You will be given permanent residence here. Welcome to Beacon Academy. 

The six of them come walking out of Ozpin's office. 

Qrow: How are you feeling Ruby? 

Ruby: Well, I don't think it's bleeding anymore, but it still hurts a lot. 

Yang: We should still get you to the infirmary. Just to make sure. 

Ruby: Okay. 

They bring Ruby to the infirmary, where a nurse leads her to an open room, being followed by the others. 

Ruby is sitting on the bed, with her shirt up, showing new bandages. Ruby puts her shirt down as Nurse Jillian goes walking back over to a desk, putting the leftover bandages and cloth into it. Jillian then takes a bottle of pills out, walking back over to Ruby. 

Qrow: How is she? 

Jillian: Well, whoever initially bandaged it did a pretty decent job. Just missed out on a light disinfecting. Cleaning it out with water helps, but doesn't necessarily help prevent infection. It was a good thing you got her back here when you did. 

Qrow nods. 

Jillian: Cleaned, disinfected, and gave her new bandaging. And these pills are for the pain. Only take one every six to eight hours. 

Ruby takes the pills from her, nodding. 

Jillian: Good to see you back. See you all around. 

Jillian exits the room. 

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