Chapter 41 - Imposter Pt. 2

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Inside the conference room of a small facility with a screen on the wall, four guys sit at the table. 

???: Where is he? Aaron was supposed to meet us here twenty minutes ago. 

??? 2: Oh, have some patience. We know what our branch is for. All we have to do is assume that he's planning the next step. 

??? 3: Yeah, all of the good that'll do us. With the news of a second Dark Warrior, our work will only get harder. 

??? 4: Don't be so foolish. We've been operating for this long. There's no reason to believe that it'll impair us now. 

The doors open and a man comes walking in with a pistol strapped to his waist. Aaron Butch. 

Aaron: Jasper's right. This new Dark Warrior won't do anything to impair or set us back. All they are is a cheap, carbon copy of the original. 

He comes walking around the table, standing at the head of it. 

Aaron: Nothing this imposter has shown to us proves that they will be a viable threat. Sure, a few normal thugs will be taken out, but that is a pointless endeavor in the grand scheme of things. No... there is only one true threat to us, and I think it's about time we get rid of him.  

??? 3: What if this imposter reaches out to the real one? They could form a connection and work together. 

Aaron smiles and lets out a little laugh. 

Aaron: I don't think that's going to happen. 

??? 3: What makes you think that?

Aaron: Because the real Dark Warrior isn't stupid. He isn't going to waste his time with somebody who will just hold him back. Just take his message to the imposter on the news. That's not what you say when you want to recruit somebody to help you. No... there will be no alliance. Just the one lone and very dangerous Dark Warrior. 

He then leans on the table. 

Aaron: Tonight... we start our push for victory. The Dark Warrior has been keeping us from our goal for far too long. And with the imposter throwing in an extra element, the Dark Warrior now has a distraction. It's a better time than ever. 

He looks around. 

Aaron: Our employers wish to see the Sieks family be eliminated. That is something I fully intend on following through with. And that's why Jasper and Orli will infiltrate and scout out the Sieks penthouse. The objective of this is to learn the layout and help us discover their patterns. When they leave, when they return, what hours are they active. Everything. But... if able, you will also capture and detain Gyoe and Caleb. Bring them back here to me. 

Aaron: And as for Reech and Warren, you two will be meeting our team at the secondary location. Prepare them for the hunt. I'll meet you there after I report to our employers. 

Now on the streets of the city underneath the night sky, we're following a group of four guys who come out of a truck with assault rifles, and go walking toward a storage warehouse. 

A guy wearing a black trench coat and a pistol strapped to the right side of his waist comes walking out of it to meet them. 

???: Good to see all of you here. The others have arrived first. There's much to discuss. 

That's when an arrow comes from the side, hitting one of the guys in the leg, dropping them to the ground. This alerts the rest of them to look off to the side and aim their guns as DW comes running up to them. 

The guy in the black trench coat meets her, ducking a swing with her bow before kneeing her in the stomach, and elbowing her in the back to send her staggering forward. When she comes back with another swing of her bow, he dodges back but gets hit by a quick jab to the side, and she thrusts herself forward to kick him in the chest.

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