Chapter 35 - Unleashed Pt. 2

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(No One's P.O.V.)

The scene opens up to Central Vale Park. 

Nova and Michael are still standing opposite each other. 

Michael: It's good to see you again, brother. It's been long time. 

Nova: Too long. 

Nova then glances at the body on the ground before looking back at Michael. 

Nova: What happened here? 

Michael turns around to look back at the guy, walking back over, being followed by Nova. 

Michael: Well, I got the alert you did, and came here to find him like this. His neck was snapped, and he was just left here. 

Nova: No other injuries? 

Michael: Not that I could tell. And none of his things were taken either. 

Nova: That's strange. Almost like he just got in the way of something. 

Michael: Well, no single human has the power to simply snap a neck like this. Unless their semblance allowed for it. But what are the odds? 

Nova: Then there's really only one thing that I can think of. 

Michael looks back at Nova.

Michael: Demons. 

Nova nods at him. 

Nova: There's just one question. What would demons be doing at the park? 

Michael: We'll figure that out together. But for right now, there's somebody that has to be brought back. 

Michael turns back around to look at the guy on the ground, crouching down next to him. He touches the guy on the forehead and he disappears in a flash. 

Michael then stands back up. 

Michael: He'll wake up like none of this ever happened. 

Michael then turns back around to look at Nova. 

Michael: Now let's get to it.

The scene then cuts to Ruby sitting against a tree in the Beacon Courtyard. She has Caleb's staff in her lap. 

Weiss and Blake come walking over. 

Weiss: We knew you were looking for Caleb. Didn't expect you to be the one leading us on a search. 

Blake: It was a place we weren't expecting. 

Weiss notices the staff in Ruby's lap. 

Weiss: You didn't find him, did you? 

Ruby shakes her head. 

Ruby: No. And I looked everywhere. I even broke into his dorm room to see if he was there. His stuff was, just he wasn't.

Blake: That means he could be anywhere. Going to be quite the time looking for him.

Weiss: Might mean we're going to need everybody possible to help. Maybe even... a certain someone who is a terrible person...

Ruby snaps to look at Weiss. 

Ruby: She's the reason he left. Why should we give her the satisfaction of looking for him? 

Blake: Anything to help find him faster. So we can make sure he's okay. 

Ruby stares at Blake for a few seconds before grabbing Caleb's staff and standing up. 

Ruby: Fine. Let's go talk to her. 

The scene then switches to Yang in team RWBY's dorm room. 

She is sitting on Blake's bed with her head in her hands. 

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