Chapter 48 - Vanished Village Pt. 1

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Ozpin is sitting at his desk in his office. Glynda is tapping her tablet a few times before looking up at him. 

Glynda: There... the messages have been sent. Are you sure it's a good idea to send them there, too? What if they disappear like team RWBY? 

Ozpin: I understand your worries. And mine are right there with you. The last thing I want to do is risk more students... but everybody who's fallen victim, including team RWBY, could still be alive. And an action has to be taken. Team CMTS is fully capable of handling anything thrown at them. 

Glynda: We said the same thing about team RWBY. 

Ozpin: I know. But we didn't have any knowledge about before they went. Now, with their only transmission back to us, at least we have something. 

Glynda: I just wish this wasn't happening. I hate risking the wellbeing of our own students. 

Ozpin: It won't just be them. I'll be accompanying them.

Glynda: You will?

Ozpin: Yes. I can't in good conscious send another team out there by themselves. I wouldn't be able to handle it if anything happened to another team. The least I can do is go with team CMTS and try to help them. 

Glynda nods at him as the elevator dings. Team CMTS come walking out of it, coming up to the desk.

Caleb: You sent for us? 

Ozpin: We did. There's some grave news, I'm afraid. 

Caleb: What is it? 

Ozpin: Team RWBY has gone missing. Along with seemingly the rest of Incrid Village. 

The news hits all of team CMTS like a truck. 

Ozpin: This is why we sent for you. I'll be accompanying you to this village and we're going to find team RWBY and the others. Along with whatever is causing these disappearances. 

Caleb: Let's do it. 

Now on the bullhead, team CMTS sit together while Ozpin stands off to the side. Each have their weapon. Jason a bow and arrow quiver on his back. Mark with a sword sheathed on the left side of his waist. Luke with a baton sheathed on either side of his waist. And Caleb with a staff on his back. 

Luke: I hope they're okay. Beacon... it wouldn't be the same without them. 

Mark: Nothing would. But we need to have faith. Right, Caleb? 

Caleb looks lost in his thoughts before Mark nudges him with his elbow, snapping out of it. 

Caleb: Huh...? Yeah... yeah, we do. We may not know much about what's going on there, but if there's even a chance that they're okay, we have to hold onto that for dear life. 

Jason: Look, I want them to be okay... I do... But, in the worst case scenario... we have to be prepared for anything... even... even what we don't want to think about. 

Ozpin: Mr. Thorn does have a point. 

They all look over to see Ozpin walking up to them. 

Ozpin: None of us want it to be the reality. But this world is indeed full of unpredictability. It only takes one moment for something good or bad to happen. Yet it only takes another to prevent something else. 

He takes out his scroll. 

Ozpin: Team RWBY are resourceful. They're full of many capabilities. But nobody is invincible. 

He pulls up a message from Ruby, showing it them.

Ozpin: This is the final message I got from them. 

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