Chapter 49 - Vanished Village Pt. 2

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Inside of the bedroom, Caleb guides the girl back to the closet as she fights him.

Girl: No! No! We have to leave! It's here! It's here! 

Caleb: Hey, it'll be okay. We'll be back for you. 

Girl: No! That's what the others said! Please don't leave me! 

Caleb and Mark exchange a glance. 

Caleb: Mark, you stay here with her. 

Mark: What? 

Caleb: I'll go see whatever is downstairs. Buy you enough time to get her to the others. 

Mark: What are you... No. I'm not going to let you fight that thing by yourself. Especially since we don't know what it is. 

Caleb: I'm not the one who matters here. She is. Team RWBY is. Our goal as Huntsmen is to protect and guard people. That's what I'm trying to do here. Please... get her to the others. 

Mark glances down at the girl before looking back at him, letting out a sigh. 

Mark: I'm not risking that. Either we both fight or neither of us. 

Caleb goes to respond when fast sounding footsteps are heard. The girl rushes back into the closet as a pale creature with dark eyes, razor sharp fangs, and claws comes bolting into the room toward them. 

They both split into two different directions, narrowly avoiding it as it goes crashing into the wall. 

It immediately lunges straight toward Caleb, grabbing his leg and throwing him into the wall, dropping to the floor with a thud. As it nears him again, Mark jumps at it from behind, plunging his sword into its back. All it does is let out a slight screech before reaching back and grabbing Mark, throwing him off to the side. He slams into the wall and drops to the floor. 

Turning its attention back to Caleb as he strikes it in the face with his staff, proceeding to strike it with a flurry of attacks as it attempts to shield itself. When Caleb strikes it with the end of his staff and goes to swing it again, the creature catches his weapon, immediately throwing him into the wall, dropping to the floor along with his staff.

It turns its attention to Mark as he starts getting up, lunging at and grabbing him before slamming him into the wall repeatedly, prompting him to let out yells of pain. It then turns and throws him out the window.

Caleb: Mark! 

He winces right after, clutching his stomach as the creature comes walking back over to him. It holds him against the floor, leaning down toward him as he breathes heavily. Opening its mouth as he starts attempting to push it away. 

He grits his teeth, trying to push it away as its mouth nears his face. His eyes start glowing red as embers fly off of them, and a sizzling sound is heard right before the creature lets out a piercing yell. It stumbles away from him, falling down to the floor as burn marks are now visible where his hands were. 

He glances down at his hands before looking over at the creature as it writhes in pain. Grabbing his staff and pushing himself back up, he grabs an end of his staff, pulling out a sword as he walks toward the creature. Dropping his staff before his sword becomes engulfed in flames, he raises it up before thrusting it back down into the creatures stomach. 

It lets out a piercing yell as the flames from the sword travel across its entire body, engulfing it in flames. Caleb twists the sword inside of it before pulling it out, watching it burn as he collapses to the floor. 

The sound of the front door bursting open before footsteps rushing up toward them is heard. Caleb grips his staff tightly, using it to pull himself up as he stares straight at the door. 

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