Chapter 34 - Unleashed Pt. 1

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(No One's P.O.V.)

Caleb is dragging himself from the bullhead through the Beacon courtyard with a staff on his back. He's holding his stomach, bending over when he feels a pain shoot through his body, wincing and gritting his teeth. 

That's when a female voice is heard yelling out to him. 

???: Caleb! 

Caleb looks up to see Ruby, Blake, and Weiss running up to him. He stands back up.

Ruby: Are you okay?! 

Caleb: I'm fine. That mission was just a lot more than I thought. 

Blake: You don't really look fine. 

Caleb: Nothing a little rest won't solve. Where's Yang? I expected her to come see me when I got back. 

Weiss: We don't know. Haven't seen here since lunch started. 

Caleb: Made it back in time for lunch. That's good. Could use something to eat. 

Ruby: You shouldn't be walking around more than you need to right now. Head back to your dorm and lay down. We'll bring some food to you. And take your staff back to your locker for you. 

Caleb: Are you sure? You don't have to do that. 

Weiss: Hey, don't fight us. It'll make me not want to do it. Just accept our help and get to your room. 

Caleb looks at Weiss and smiles as she takes his staff from him. 

Caleb: Why were we ever rivals, Weiss? 

Weiss rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, smiling when he goes walking off toward the dorm building. 

The scene then cuts to Caleb walking up to his dorm room, going to grab the doorknob when he hears a sound come from another room. He also no longer has his staff on his back. 

He moves away from the door, going toward the sound, hearing what sounds like a girl moaning. Caleb shakes his head and is about to walk away when the female says something out loud. 

???: You've kept me waiting for long enough~ Time for some real fun~ 

Caleb immediately recognizes that voice. 

Caleb: Yang...? 

He walks toward the door, getting right up to it when he hears a male voice talk out loud. 

???(Male): Should we really be doing this? Caleb might be getting back soon. 

Caleb: Jaune...? 

Yang: Oh, Caleb wasn't doing it for me. He hasn't been there for me enough. And besides, there's no way he'll ever find out about us. 

Caleb feels his emotions riling up, pushing his hand out toward the door, causing it to fly off of its hinges and into the room. 

He comes walking in as Yang and Jaune jump out of bed half-naked, both staring at Caleb. 

Yang: Caleb! How long were you there? Because I didn't mean any of that! This doesn't mean anything! This isn't what it looks like. 

Caleb doesn't respond, just continues staring at them as he feels his anger rising. 

Jaune: Caleb, you just need to keep calm. We can all talk through this, right? 

The building then starts shaking, causing Yang and Jaune to start looking around. They look back at Caleb as his eyes begin glowing white and a white light begins emanating off of him. 

Yangs and Jaunes eyes both go wide as the light expands off of Caleb, intensifying as ethereal wings sprout from his back and expand outward. 

Yangs and Jaunes mouths then both open right before both of them fly into the wall, freezing there. 

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