Chapter 40 - Imposter Pt. 1

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A girl is walking down the sidewalk by herself at night, going past an alleyway, only for three guys to come walking out of it behind her. There's the click of a gun and the girl freezes in place right before the guy with the gun speaks. 

???: Come back here slowly. No sudden movements. 

The girl slowly turns around and her eyes widen upon recognition of who he is, walking over while trying not to show how scared she is. 

???: Oh, you don't have to be scared of us. Just do what we say and there might be a chance we let you go.

She tries her best to stifle her heavy breathing, standing right in front of the guy. 

???: That's good. Now just come with us and make sure to be good. 

She glances over at the alley they came out of, absolutely terrified of what they're going to do to her in it. But she has no other choice but to follow them inside of it. The other option is being shot, and she doesn't want to die. Then again, she could die at the end of whatever they have planned for her. 

She gulps just as the guy reaches out to grab her arm, only for an arrow to come flying in from the side, piercing through his arm and causing the momentum to knock his gun out of his own hand. 

The girl looks at the direction the arrow came from, seeing a figure dressed in all black with a bow in hand and a quiver full of arrows on their back running toward them, flipping and spinning to kick the guy in the face. He falls to the ground unconscious before the figure turns their attention to the other two guys. They go to run away, only for the figure to draw and fire two arrows, simultaneously hitting and electrocuting them to the ground. 

She stares at the figure who turns around to face her, giving a nod before running off as police sirens can be heard nearing. 

Now in the office of a building with a twenty-year-old guy sitting at the desk with a nameplate that says "Caleb Sieks". He's staring at the monitor on his desk watching a news broadcast. 

News Reporter: Last night was the set for yet another heroic act performed by the Dark Warrior. He may not have been saving a bank from robbery or stopping a criminal organization, but this was still something very important. Saving a young girl from what would've definitely been a scarring moment. I'm sure, like we all are, that her and her family will be forever grateful for the Dark Warrior and what he does for our city. That's all for this story with a good ending. We'll be back later with more. 

He taps his keyboard to mute the screen, leaning back in his chair and putting his hand over his mouth, letting out an exhale. 

That's when an older guy comes walking in, closing the door behind him before walking up to the desk. 

???:  I saw the broadcast. I thought you weren't going out last night. 

Caleb: I didn't. I was visiting Kelly. 

???: Then that means somebody is out there posing as you. 

Caleb: Or simply just trying to get my attention. Either way, I'm not going to let whoever this is get away with it. 

The older guy points at the monitor. 

???: Look. 

Caleb looks back at the monitor, seeing an image of the letters 'DW' on a white background, unmuting the screen. 

News Reporter: This just in. There's an urgent matter that we had to come back to you for. Apparently, the Dark Warrior has sent a message that he wants broadcasted. And that's exactly what we're going to do. Here it is. 

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