Chapter 33 - Vendetta Pt. 8

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(No One's P.O.V.)

The scene opens up with Caleb in his sister's hospital room. He's leaning on the door, gritting his teeth as he's trying to think about what to do, staring down at the floor. He quickly takes out his scroll and messages Gyoe. 

Aaron is then heard out in the hall. 

Aaron: Check every room! Find Caleb Sieks! 

That statement is followed by the sounds of doors being kicked in. Caleb quickly shoves his scroll back into his pocket. 

Caleb glances at Kelly before looking around the room, focusing on the metal pan on the tray beside her bed. 

Caleb quickly goes over and grabs it, rushing back to the door, gripping the tray tightly. 

Footsteps come walking up to the door, pausing before the door gets kicked open, and he comes out from behind it, hitting the guy in front in the face with the pan, kicking him back into the others to cause them to stumble back into the hall before he shuts the door again. 

There's a click and Caleb rolls off to the side before a volley of bullets comes shooting through the door, shooting out the windows on the other side of the room. 

The scene then switches to Ozpin and team RWBY in a bullhead. Team RWBY is sitting on the bench while Ozpin is standing, holding on to one of the bars that are attached to the ceiling. 

Weiss is looking down as she plays with her fingers.

Ruby: Are you okay, Weiss?

Yang: Yeah, this situation will change a lot in your life. 

Weiss: I know it will. And I know it's the right thing to do, I'm just not looking forward to the controversy that will follow this. Every news station in Vale is going to want to ask questions and find out what's going on. 

Blake: I didn't even think about that until now. 

Ruby: That's going to suck. 

Weiss: But I know it's worth it. Getting justice for Caleb and his family is worth whatever trouble follows. 

Ozpin: The corrupt dealings of one man will not topple the entire structure. The SDC will quickly recover with your leadership, Ms. Schnee. That should be nothing to worry about. For you, the only thing to worry about is how you build the reputation back and how you make the company better. And I believe you have all of the abilities to do so. 

Weiss: Thank you, Ozpin. 

Ozpin: Thank me by making the SDC the company it should've been at the start.

Weiss: I will. 

A beeping noise goes off, followed by the pilot speaking out. 

Pilot: We're here! Hope you're ready for this! 

Ozpin: Here we go. 

The bullhead they're in lands in front of the Schnee Manor as another bullhead lands next to it.

The hatch of one opens and Ozpin and team RWBY come walking out. Ironwood and Winter come walking out of the other one, meeting up in between. 

Ironwood: Are we all ready for this?

Weiss: As ready as we'll ever be. 

Ironwood: Good. Then let's go. 

The scene then switches back to Caleb in his sister's hospital room. Caleb is crouched by the wall a distance from the door, waiting for the guys to make another move. 

The door gets kicked open again. This time Caleb kicks the door closed, pinning the first guy to the wall, allowing Caleb to grab and gain control of the guy's rifle, pushing the butt of the gun into the guy's face. This gives Caleb enough leverage to pull the gun out of the guy's hands and hit him across the face with it, dropping him to the floor. 

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