Chapter 3: A Cheating Cat Pt. 3

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(Ruby's P.O.V.)

I'm still standing opposite Yang in our dorm room. She's still staring at me with wide eyes. 

Yang: You... You have a way to contact Caleb?

Ruby: Yeah. He still had his scroll, and he told me I could contact him whenever he wanted. 

Yang: He still has his scroll? That's great. That means we could all message him. 

Ruby: No. You can't. 

Yang: Why not? I have a chance to talk to my friend for the first time in three weeks. Why wouldn't I take it? 

Ruby: Because of the promises I made to him. 

Yang: What promises? 

Ruby: I made two promises to him. One of which I already broke. The first was I wouldn't tell anyone. We see how that worked out. And the second one is that I'll go to meet him alone. 

Yang: So if I messaged him, he'd know you told somebody. 

Ruby: Yeah.

Yang: And that's why you don't want me going. Because then, to him, you'd be breaking both promises at once. 

Ruby: Which might make it to where he won't trust me anymore. And that might turn into our friendship being broken. Then that'll make it to where he won't want to be in any relationship with me at all. 

Yang: And you like him. 

I nod. 

Ruby: Please, Yang. You have to understand. I need to go to meet with him alone. 

Yang doesn't respond, just looks like she's thinking about it.

Ruby: You know I'll be safe with him. 

Yang: Could you try to convince him to come back to Beacon? 

Ruby: That was part of my plan. 

Yang sighs. 

Yang: Okay, Ruby. You can go. But please be careful before he gets to you. 

Ruby: I will. 

I take my scroll out and message Caleb. 

(Caleb's P.O.V.)

I'm back in my bedroom. I just put my Red Hood suit and gear away. I sit back on my bed and look at where the secret panel is. 

Ever since I put on that suit and picked up that bow, I made this city a better place. Keeping it and the people in it safe. But it still feels like a part of me is missing. And I don't know what it is. 

Kelly: Hey, big brother. 

I look to see Kelly standing in the doorway. 

Caleb: Hey. What's up? 

Kelly: Oh. Just a certain dust shop rescue is on the news. 

I let out a little laugh and smile. 

Kelly comes over and sits down on the bed next to me. 

Kelly: After every time you save something, the same thought crosses my mind. It's a good thing you are who you are. Otherwise, who knows what would happen around here. 

Caleb: I only do what is right. I may not be training to be a Huntsman anymore, but I still want to do good in the world. Make things as right as I can. 

Kelly: And you certainly do that. But you also make me so proud to be your sister. I want to be like you even more than before. 

I put my arm around her. 

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