Chapter 38 - Not So Loony Pt. 2

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Caleb comes walking down a hallway at Hogwarts, spotting Luna as she's walking toward him. 

Caleb: Luna! 

Luna keeps walking past him as she tries her best to keep her face hidden. 

Caleb: Luna...? 

He watches her disappear around a corner. 

Later that day, he's sitting with Hermione, Ron, and Harry in the grand hall. 

Caleb has barely touched his food, instead looking around for Luna. 

Hermione: Caleb, what's wrong?

Caleb: Have any of you seen Luna recently?

Harry: No, I don't believe we have. Why? Is something wrong? 

Caleb looks at the three of them. 

Caleb: I don't really know. She walked by me in the hallway and it seemed like something was getting to her. But she didn't respond when I called to her. 

Ron: What a bloody weirdo. I'd say you dodged a bullet with that one.

Caleb stares at Ron with an angry expression growing on his face, taking a deep breath. 

Hermione: You might want to retract that statement, Ron. 

Harry: Yeah, you saw what he did to that dragon. You want to be next?

Ron takes one glance at Caleb before immediately retracting it.

Ron: Okay! Okay! I take it back! She's not that weird... at all...

Caleb stands up. 

Caleb: I'm going to look for her. 

He then goes walking off toward the exit. 

Hermione: He so has a crush on Luna. 

Both Harry and Ron nod in agreement. 

Dumbledore is standing in his office with McGonagall and Snape. 

Dumbledore: What's the word? 

McGonagall: Another dragon was spotted flying not too far from here. It's on a direct course for Hogwarts. 

Dumbledore looks off to the side. 

Snape: Why don't we just get the Sieks boy to take care of it? I'm sure he's itching to raise his reputation even more. 

McGonagall: Come now, Snape. That had nothing to do with reputation. He simply stood up when nobody else would. And look at what happened then. It nearly killed him. 

Snape: Nearly being the keyword there. There's no doubt he'd go the distance to protect his friends.

Dumbledore: He would. And that last time, the dragon came out of nowhere, giving nobody any grounds to prepare. But maybe if we tell him beforehand this time, he could properly prepare himself for the coming fight. Meanwhile, we'll do what we can to help when the time comes.

McGonagall: Then I'll go find him immediately.  

Now outside in the courtyard, Caleb comes rushing out while breathing heavily and looks around, not finding Luna. 

He lets out a sigh before rushing back into Hogwarts, frantically going through all of the halls and full classrooms with open doors, before turning a corner to see McGonagall walking toward him. 

McGonagall: Caleb! 

Caleb stops dead in his tracks. 

Caleb: Professor McGonagall. I know... I'm sorry I'm not in class right now. There's just something really important that I'm doing. 

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