Chapter 22- The Rider Pt. 1

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(No One's P.O.V.)

Team RWBY are in the forest clearing some Grimm out. 

Ruby is flipping around using blasts from her Crescent Rose, slashing and slicing Beowolf after Beowolf, Ursa after Ursa. 

Weiss is bouncing from glyph to glyph, slashing through whatever Grimm gets in between them. 

Blake is jumping from clone to clone, using them to distract the Grimm as she cuts through them with her blade. 

Yang is propelling herself everywhere with her shotgun blasts. Punching through Grimm after Grimm, obliterating them one at a time. 

Ruby jumps and uses a shot from her Crescent Rose to propel herself into the air, and she uses another one to propel herself toward an oncoming Ursa. She comes spiraling down at it, stabbing it in the shoulder. The Ursa doesn't appear phased at all. It grabs Ruby's weapon and pulls it out, throwing her off to the side, and she hits into a tree, dropping to the ground. Yang notices. 

Yang: Ruby! 

Yang's eyes turn red and she thrusts her hands back just as a shotgun blast shoots out of both gauntlets, propelling herself toward the Ursa. Yang punches the Ursa with a shotgun blast, and the Ursa only staggers back a few feet, much to Yang's surprise. Three more Ursa's come running up to the scene. 

Weiss: We got to get out of here!

Yang and Blake go running over to Ruby, helping her get up. Blake looks back at the three oncoming Grimm and the Ursa that's just gotten over the effects of Yang's attack. 

Blake: Come on! They're getting closer! We won't be able to take them on! 

Ruby grabs her weapon and the four of them go running off toward the bullhead. The Ursai begin quickly chasing after them. Weiss quickly glances back at them. 

Weiss: They're gaining on us fast! 

Ruby: We're almost to the bullhead! Just keep going! 

Weiss: Really? Because I was thinking about stopping! 

Yang: Just shut up and keep running! 

They come running up to the bullhead, jumping through and closing the hatch, and the bullhead rises into the air a few seconds later, flying off just as the Ursai reaches where they were. 

Inside the bullhead, Ruby and Blake are sitting on one of the benches while Yang is standing by them and Weiss is pacing back and forth. 

Weiss: That was insane! How did that Ursa just survive two hits that normally would've been fatal? 

Blake: I don't know. But I'm willing to bet the other three were also like that. We're lucky we got out when we did. 

Ruby: I can't believe what just happened. 

Yang: Okay. We can all agree that this doesn't make sense, but it still happened. We're going to need to tell Ozpin about this when we get back. He might know what to do about it. 

Ruby: Yang's right. That's the first thing we're doing. 

The bullhead they're in lands at Beacon Academy. They hurry out of the bullhead and start walking to Ozpin's office. 

The scene switches to Ozpin and Glynda in his office. Ozpin's sitting at his desk and Glynda is standing at the front of it. She's staring down at her tablet in her hands. 

Ozpin: Have any of the teams checked in with you recently? 

Glynda: All of them have. 

Ozpin: Every single one? 

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