You Can Go Your Own Way.

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Joe decided we needed to leave before everyone got drunk. I got in the car without saying a word. He started the car once he got in.

“Take me home. My home.” I looked straight ahead. He looked up at me after he got his seatbelt in. “Why do you want to go home? You like my place.” he drove off from the party. “You treated me like shit,Joe.”

“How did I treat you like shit? I got you drinks.” I let out a sarcastic laugh.

“You ignored me the whole night. You flirted with girls,Joe. You didn’t get me one single fucking drink.” I crossed my arms, “You acted like you were ashamed of me.”

He shook his head, “I’m not ashamed of you. First off,you should know you were the first woman that I invited to a party.”

“I went to one of your parties.”

“I didn’t invite you. My dumbass as a brother invited you.” he shook his head. “Being with Nick looks pretty good right now.”

“Ha! You don’t mean that. Remember he cheated on you with his ex. I never cheated on you.”

“But he didn’t ignore me when we went to your party.” I looked out the window.

“Apparently he wasn’t doing anything right,if you got drunk and decided to fuck me.” he had a little stupid smirk on his face. I went quiet for a couple minutes.

“Some of your girlfriends told me something..” I sighed,fidgeting with my fingers. “And what shitty things did they say?” he was obviously pissed now. “You only say ‘I love you’ to just get in their pants.”

“That’s a bunch of bullshit!” he hit the steering wheel. That’s all he said rest of the way home.

He pulled into my driveway. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” he rolled his eyes. I stepped out of his car, “I took the day off. I’m going to spend time with my daughter.” I slammed the door shut.

“Maybe Tyler should have found you.” he rolled down the window. I looked down, “Bye,Joseph.” I headed inside my house.

My heart was broken. I loved him. I should be use to the pain, but I’m not. I headed to my bedroom and went straight to bed.

I couldn’t sleep all night. I kept thinking about Joe & how he could act like that towards me. He had no right to say any of that. Now we’re over. It’s in the past. I’m left with heartbreak.

The next day, Marley came home around noon.

“Mommy! I missed you so much!!” Marley ran to me when she got inside the house. “Woo,you smell like the outdoors!” I picked her up.

“I need baff.” she giggled.

“You do! You want to take one?” I brushed her hair with my fingers, “Pwease,mommy.”

I carried her to the bathtub. I set her down to get the tub ready. I turned around and she was already naked. I had to laugh. I picked her up and got her in the tub.

“So tell me what you did with aunt Lucy and Selena.” I poured some water over her head. “We made a leaf necklace..It’s in my bag. I’ll show you later,mommy.”

I kissed her nose, “Okay, I can’t wait to see it. I bet it looks beautiful.” I squirted shampoo in her hair and started scrubbing her hair. “What did you do while I was gone, mommy?”  she splashed some water.

“I...just worked..” I sighed silently.

I put Marlene down for a nap after she showed me all the things she made while camping. She was tired and grumpy.

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