We're Cool For The Summer.

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A few weeks went by and everything was great. Joe and I were doing great and Marley was doing great in her therapy lessons, and actually, she was more herself now, which I was glad. I was now 20 weeks pregnant and it was getting to me. Carrying 2 babies was a lot more different than 1.

It was a Friday night, Joe and I were working late. We had many things do before the weekend. Plus, Joe is having his "annual" summer pool party at his house tomorrow and he wants to get things for that.

I was sitting on Joe's lap, as he was signing papers, "I don't understand how they leave me 50 papers to sign, by myself." Joe complained. I laid my lips on his soft cheek.

"They have your name on it, that's why." I brushed his hair with my hand. His gorgeous brown eyes stayed down at the paper.

"Yeah, but when Nick has these, he gives me some and I just signed with his signature, but I don't get the same treatment, I guess." I felt a bit bad. I returned my lips back on his cheek.

We got out of the office around 8:30. It was late and we haven't had dinner yet. We made sure the babysitter didn't mind us being a bit later. We went to the party store to get some party supplies. After we got the supplies, we had dinner at Osteria Mozza. It was great and filling.

We got home and Marley was already in bed. We headed straight to bed since we were both tired.

I woke up in the middle of the night with pain. It was the twins were moving and it woke me up, "Ow." I put my hand on my belly as one of them kicked me hard. Joe sat up and turned on the lamp. "What's wrong?"

"They are moving around..and kicking me.." I sighed, I couldn't sleep with this much movement happening.

"Maybe a nice bath will soothe them.." Joe hopped out of bed and started the bubble bath. I couldn't really move. I was in such pain.

"Ready?" Joe walked out, I shook my head. He came over to me and lifted me up,bridal style. He carried me to the bathtub. He helped me take my clothes off and got me into the tub.

"Feels good,already." I closed my eyes. Joe chuckled slightly..

Joe bent down to kiss the top of my head, "Yell if you need anything." he headed back to bed and I quickly fell asleep in the tub.


I woke up the next day hearing little feet running around. I looked over and the bed was empty. Was Demi already awake? I stepped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Demi fell asleep in the tub last night, which was cute. I scooped her up from the tub and got a gown on her the best I could. She still wasn't waking up. I laid her down on the bed. "Sleep good, my little prune." I kissed her forehead. I changed into dry clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

I heard Marley talking, which made me question a little bit. I opened her bedroom door slightly and saw her play with her dolls. I watched her make voices for each doll. She was so cute. "Good morning, sunshine!" I opened the door.

"Joey!" She got off the floor and ran into my arms. I kissed her cheek.

"Good morning, sunshine," I picked her up,brushing some of her hair away from her face, "wanna help me cook waffles?" she nodded her head. I carried her to the kitchen where we made breakfast.

We ate before Demi got up. Demi ate hers when Marley and I were setting up the backyard for the party. We threw some pool noodles in the pool and some inflatables like a swan and a doughnut.

"Very pretty,da-Joey!" Marley clapped, I was surprised she was about to call me dad. It was a good thing, I wanted her to know that I will be there for her, always.

I got Marley changed into her swimsuit. I quickly changed afterwards. I walked downstairs and saw Demi in her blue one piece, she looked like she was crying.

"Why is a beautiful girl,like you, crying?" I wrapped my arms around her, giving her shoulder sweet kisses.

"I feel like a big hippo..." Demi looked down at her belly, that was bit bigger now.

"You're not a hippo, babe...if anyone thinks that today, then they will have to fight a bear, aka me. You look beautiful and I haven't seen the pregnancy glow on anyone as perfect as it is on you." She gave me a small grin.

"I love you." she pecked my lips.

"I love you more." I kissed her lips.

"Ewwy, mommy!" Marley walked in on us, making us both laugh. Demi got up and picked her up. "Sorry, baby..." Demi kissed Marley's cheek.

The guests arrived to my house an hour ago. I introduced Demi to all my friends. They kept congratulating us because we told them we were expecting twins. I couldn't even believe it, I was shocked each time I said, 'twins.'

"Babe, this is John Taylor. He was our guitarist as the Jonas Brothers and he became our creative producer. John,this is the girl I've told you about, Demi Lovato." Demi shook his hand.

"I've heard so much about you! It's nice to meet you,Demi!" John winked at her.

I led her to one last person I wanted her to meet, "Demi, this is the best manager in the world, Phil McIntyre. Phil,this is Demi Lovato." He shook her hand.

After that, we enjoyed the part. I was in the jacuzzi with Mike. I watched Marley play with Jackson. "I didn't know you had a kid." I took a sip of my beer.

"Oh, he's not mine...well, legally he is.. Sarah was in a bad relationship before me and it's that guys, but I decided to become her dad,so I adopted her. On papers it says I'm hers. It's great." Mike nodded his head. I looked over at Demi. That wasn't a bad idea. I love Marley, would I want her legally call her mine?

"It could be a hassle though, luckily her father easily signed the papers." I sighed, that wasn't going to be Tyler. Tyler was going to put up a fight just to get under my skin.

Later on at the party, I was having a blast at my own party. I grabbed the mic that my brothers set up for karaoke. "Yo. I'm not doing karaoke, because I'm too cool for that shit." I laughed.

"A few months ago, I took my girl home to mama... she found an old song I left unfinished... I finally got it all written because she's my inspiration," I looked at Demi,floating on the doughnut, "We dated several months before we told anyone, which was fun, but I'm having a great time showing her off. This song is about how I wanted to tell the world about us." I played the keyboard, I brought out.

I sang the song, looking at Demi the whole time, "Yeah I want to tell everyone, that you are, you are my only one. Screaming at the top of my lungs but I'm whispering, I'm whispering, I'm whispering cause I don't wanna jinx it.."

"Thank you." I jumped into the pool and swam to Demi.

She grabbed my face and kissed me hard. "I love it and I love you." she stroke my face. I was so in love.

The party came to an end around 9 o'clock. It was a blast. It was the best party I have ever thrown, maybe because I had a girl with me and just a one night stand.

Demi laid down beside me once we reached our climaxes. We were both out of breath, "I think I could get use to you being on top.." I smirked.

"Shut up." she pushed me playfully.

I looked at her, "I have an idea," I caressed her shoulder, "I want to adopt Marley as my own."

She lifted her head up in shock, "What?"  

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