Played My Heart, Like It's A Game.

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"Demi, will you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?" he opened up the black box with a huge diamond ring.

I looked at the ring, then at Joe, then a look around the room, "No...I can't." I looked up at everyone and they were a bit shocked. I looked at Joe and he didn't say anything.

We continued with our party, but Joe was not talking to me. Denise helped us put Marley to bed before they left.

I cleaned up while Joe was in the backyard,doing whatever. I threw all the wrapping paper away and headed to the backyard, I was a bit scared. "Can we talk?"

"Why did you have to embarrass me like that?" she dropped his cigar. I crossed my arms.

"I guess we both embarrassed each other today. I don't like proposals like that, Joe!" I sighed. He got up from his chair. "So you didn't mean to say no?" I shook my head.

"Then why did you say no,Demi?!" he looked a bit upset.

I looked down at the ground,then I looked at him, "Because everything is going too fast! We haven't even been dating for a year and I'm having your kids! I'm letting you adopt Marley! I just can't get married right now!"

"We could be engaged for a while, Demi! You could have told me that you wouldn't want me to adopt her! You have freedom of speech!"

"I have no problem with you adopting, but why would you want to adopt her when you want to get married?! She'd have your name then anyways. You'll be her father anyways,Joe! Why do you want to get married anyways!? You told me you weren't going to settle down! What happened?!"

"What happened?" he glared at me, "I fell in love with you and now I want to spend the rest of my life with you! I want you to have my last name! I said I didn't like kids, either, but look where that brought me. I'm going home.." he headed to the back door.

"Joe...please don't walk away.." I looked down at the grass.

"I need time to think...spend time by myself. I'll see you tomorrow at work." he headed out of the door. I followed him to his car.

"Call me when you get home. I love you.." I kissed his nose. He got in the car and drove off. I headed back inside and got ready for bed. I kept waiting on his call, but I got nothing. I fell asleep on my bed around 1 am.

The next morning, I got nothing from Joe. I made Marley breakfast before school. I quiet. I didn't want Marley to know that Joe and I are having troubles. "You quiet,mommy." Marley put her little hand on my arm.

"Mommy is just tired." I finished my last bite of breakfast, I wasn't that hungry. Once Marley was done, I put the plates in the sink and got her ready for school.

I dropped her off in my sweats. I would get ready for work when I get back home. I decided to check on Joe real quick. I drove to his house and used my key to open his door. It looked like he was still asleep. I walked up the stairs to see if he was asleep.

"Joe, you have to get up.." I opened his bedroom door and saw him in bed with another girl, she was blonde. I couldn't tell who she was. "You fucking bastard." I threw a shoe at him.

"Ow." he sat up and rubbed his eyes open, his eyes grew when he saw me.

"Have a great fucking life,dickhead." I headed downstairs. "DEMI! WAIT! It's not like that!" he slipped some pants on, chasing me.

"I'm not stupid,Joe! I know what sex looks like." I turned around to face him and I got more angry. "YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!" I threw a lamp at him, he ducked. "Demi...I do."

"Bullshit! You're a fucking lying bastard!" I kept throwing things at him, I didn't care that it would hurt him.

"Demi, I was drunk. I had no clue what I was doing, please listen!"

"Stop being pussy and we could have talked it over! You're just nothing but a pussy that runs away from problems." I headed to the door. He grabbed my arm and I snatched it back.

"Don't touch me. Just stay away from me. I raised a kid by myself, I can raise these two. Don't you ever come by. Don't see Marley. Don't even see my babies when they're born. Just fuck off,Joseph. I quit. I'll find a job better than that company." I opened the door and walked out. I got in my car and drove off, he ended up running after me, but I sped up.

I finally lost him and I lost myself. I didn't know what to do. I drove by Nick's neighborhood, I didn't know what I was doing anymore. I did a quick turn into the neighborhood and drove to his house.

I got out and knocked on the door. Nick answered the door in a matter of seconds. "Demi?" he has on his pajamas on too. "I just need to be with someone... right now.." I went inside his house.

"Someone? What about Joe?" I shook my head in disgust.

"Joe got mad at me for not accepting his proposal...and he slept with someone else...I walked in on them.." I looked down. He pulled me into a hug. I broke down crying.

"I'm so sorry." Nick kissed my cheek. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. He surprisingly kissed me back. I continued to kiss him passionately. He lifted up my shirt and I lifted up his shirt.

He led me to the bedroom.

I slipped on my clothes after I had sex with Nick. I felt disgusting with myself. I slept with Joe's brother, my ex boyfriend, and Selena's boyfriend the same day I saw Joe with that girl. "You can't tell anyone that this happened. This will be our dirty secret," I looked at Nick, "it didn't mean anything either." I headed out of the door and saw Joe in the driveway. I stopped in surprise.

He looked at me,up and down. He turned around to go back to his car. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't. I let him get back in the car. I got back in my car and drove home.

Once I was home, I laid on the couch and cried. I felt like such a slut. I was a slut. I'm going to be a bad mom, but I'm going to try to make these babies happy. I started cleaning my house. I put every picture that Joe in it, away in the closet.

I was done with the life. He screwed up and I screwed up as well. I guess we weren't that perfect together. I was going to hire someone to set up the nurseries for my babies. I'm going to be a better person. It's just going to be about my kids, no more men.

I'm done.  

Don't kill me!! (not yet) -Chloe

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