Everything is a Mess.

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Nick's lips were on mine and I wanted to pull away but his grip was really tight on me. Why is he doing this? I had a flashback 5 years ago when I got a bit wasted and Tyler raped me. I used all my might to pull away. "What the fuck,Nick!?" I wiped my mouth.

"Demi, I'm sor...sorry." Nick was speechless,but I knew better.

"You are my boss, Nick and that's the only thing you'll ever be....Just stay away from me.." I fixed my dress and walked out of the building.

I called for a taxi to take me home.

Everyone seemed to be in bed so I went to my bedroom quietly. I took off my dress and changed into something comfy for me to sleep in. I didn't bother setting my alarm since I'm not going to work tomorrow.

I woke up around 11 to a face time call. I was a bit hungover from last night. I grabbed my phone and hit the accept button. "Hey babe" Joe's voice hurt my headache.

"Hey baby." I rubbed my eyes. He sighed looking at me through his phone, "I woke you up,didn't I?"

"Don't worry about..I need to get up anyways..It's just I drank so much last night...I'm a bit hungover and your voice is hurting me." I sat up on my bed. "I'll talk quiet for you." he winked.

"Thank you," I looked at the background behind him, "Where are you?"

"I'm at the airport,waiting on my brothers to come. So how was the dance thing last night?" I sighed,running my hands through my hair. I kept wondering if I should tell him or not. "It was good.."

He chuckled, "Are you sure?"

"Joe," I sighed again, "don't get mad, but Nick kissed me. I pulled away, it took a while because he had such a tight grip on me and I was a bit scared..."

"Ugh, I'm sorry,baby. I'm sure he won't do it again, I promise. I'll talk to him." I always felt safe with Joe. "I love you,Joe."

"I love you too." he smiled at me.

We ended up talking for a while before he had to go. "Bye" I ended the facetime and hopped off the bed.

I went to my closet to grab my robe to slip on. I stood there,thinking about last night. Was Nick, my boss, really going to pressure me? Why did I get those flashbacks?"

"Tyler stop! Please!" I cried out while he was thrusting in me. "No,baby." he groaned,holding my legs. "Tyler...." I couldn't stop crying.

I shook my thoughts off and went downstairs to Selena and Lucy. "Morning,sleeping head." Lucy giggled. I popped two pieces of bread in the toaster and poured some coffee. "I've been up for an hour now, I have just been talking to Joe. He says hey." I sipped my cup of coffee.

"How is lover boy?" Lucy giggled. I just rolled my eyes.

"He's amazing," I smiled down at the toast I took out from the toaster, "he truly makes me feel like a teenage girl..He's perfect. He's great with Marley and giving her the right education. He's my prince charming."

"We're lucky for you,Demi. If any of us deserves a boy like that, it's you." Selena hugged me.


I was pissed at Nick. Pissed wasn't even the right word to use. I wanted to head back to my hotel instead of waiting on his ass. Kissing my girlfriend, who does he think he is? I mean yeah he doesn't know she is mine, but he should know she is still dating Steven.

"Brother!" Kevin came walking to me with his luggage, so I stood up from my seat. "How was the flight?" I took some of his bags.

"It was night. Their food was pretty great." I chuckled.

"Let's get to the car." I started walking. "What about Nick?" Kevin followed me to the car. I chuckled softly. "I'm sure Nick will know to meet us in the car. You can just text him that we're in the car."

I put Kevin's luggage in the trunk and got in the car. Nick finally showed up and once he got in, I drove to the suite we were staying in. Nick tried talking to me on the way there but I just ignored him.

We got to the hotel and they unpacked while I was getting ready for the conference. "Joe," Nick came into my room and shut the door, "What is wrong with you?"

I looked over at him in the corner of my eye. "Steven called me." I started tying my tie.

He looked at me like I was dumb, I rolled my eyes at him, "Who's the fuck,Steven?" he sat down on my bed. "Demi's boyfriend. He told me that you fucking kissed his girl last night." I grabbed my suit jacket.

"Shit...Joe, you have to tell him that it was just a stupid instinct." Nick started freaking out.

"He's pissed at you,bro. He's thinking about making Demi quit this job because of you. She told him that last night gave her flashbacks to when Tyler raped her."

Nick's mouth dropped, "No no, she can't quit! She's the best thing we ever hired. She's the only one who can put up with your bullshit! No, it wasn't my intention to rape her. God, I'm stupid. Please talk to Steven for me! Please,please!"

I had to laugh a little bit, "Fine,fine. Let's just get this conference over with." We headed to the car to go to to the big skyscraper in New York.

"Hello Nick and Kevin." Dwayne shook their hand,then he shook mine, "I'm glad you can make it, Joseph."

I put on a fake smile as I shook his hand, "I'm glad I can make it too." I sat down in my chair. The conference started as soon as everyone got in their seat and they didn't play. We talked about improving the company and how they want to built another building in the UK. Some people agreed and some didn't. I disagree.

"I think we should stick to our company in LA. No other recording company branch out through the world. I just finally it unnecessary to do that, but maybe we can build a few more JONAS recording studios for them to be easier to record their music instead of going all the way to LA to record their next album."

They all became silent and I knew it was a stupid idea.

"I like that idea. Thank you so much,Joseph." Dwayne clapped. I just nodded my head,smiling. I was actually surprised they liked my idea.

We discussed where the recording studios would be and all that. My brother took me to get some ice cream afterwards to celebrate my great idea.

"Life is great, guys." I grinned,licking my chocolate ice cream cone. "We're very proud of you,bro." Kevin patted my back.

"This is the Joe Jonas I know." Nick chuckled. I just rolled my eyes smiling.

"Joe.." I turned around and saw Blanda holding hands with a little boy.

"Blanda.." I was surprised, "Hey. How are you?" I looked over at my brothers. "Hey Nick. Hey Kevin. I've been..I've been...okay."

I nodded my heads, "Well, it's been 6 years.. you look good," I looked over at the kid, "Who's the kid?"

"Can I talk to you..outside, please?" Blanda sucked in her lip, I was a bit nervous. "Yeah,sure." I got up. Blanda took the boy to his seat then she met me outside.

"What is it,Blanda? I know I haven't seen you in forever, but you're acting strange." I licked my ice cream again.

"Joe," she sighed, "He's your kid."

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