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The next morning, I woke up tangled in Joe’s arms. I looked at him sleeping, my heart started to flutter on how gorgeous he was. I leaned over and kissed his nose. He let out a loud groan, “How did you feel that?” I whispered, “It was wet,how wasn’t I suppose to feel it?” he opened one eye.

“You’re cute.” I ruffled his hair, “Cute? You call a guy cute when you have a crush on him in elementary school. I’m not cute. Is there anything on this body that is cute to you?” I giggled, “You nose is cute.”

“My nose?” he smirked, “Did you smoke something while I was sleeping?” I laid my chin on his chest, “I can’t call your nose sexy or any shit like that. That’ll be weird.” he chuckled, “Wanna know what I think is cute?” he rubbed my cheek.

“Do I want to?” he chuckled, “Yes.”

“Then tell me.”  I bit my lip,smiling, “You act all cute one minute then the next you’re swearing.” he grinned, “It’s cute when you say shit.” I blushed, “When I talked about random shit or when I actually say the word shit?”

“When you say the word shit. Fuck turns me on too. As well when you scream my name.” I crawled over him, “I now know that you’re playing.” I headed to my closet, “Wanna stay for breakfast?” I took off my nightwear and threw it at him. I changed into sweatpants and a tshirt.

“I’ll stay for breakfast..I was wondering if..Marley has ever been to Disneyland?” I turned around to look at him, I was kind of shocked, “No...I never had the money to take her…”

“Would she like to go today?” he smirked at me, I wrapped my arms around his neck, “If it’s no trouble..I think she would like that.” I laid my lips on his forehead.  “Okay, I’ll buy our tickets while you make breakfast.” he laid his hands on my ass, “My mac is on the kitchen table.” we headed downstairs.

Joe took my laptop to the couch as I got some pans out. “Morning,mommy..” Marley walked in,rubbing her eyes, “Morning,baby.” I bent down to kiss her cheek, “Where’s Joey?”

“In the living room,doll.” I smiled as she ran out of the kitchen into the living room.  I didn’t really know what to do. It was usually cereal or Ego waffles. I went to the living room, “Have you ever had a cinnamon roll waffle?”

“Um,no..”  he looked at me weird, “Well,you have not lived,Joseph.” I headed back to the kitchen. I took out the waffle iron. “Are we really going to Disneyland,mommy!?” Marley ran to the kitchen. “Yes,we are,what do you think about that?”

“I’m excited,mommy! Are Selly and Lucy coming too!?” I mixed the waffle batter, “Not this time. It’s just Joe,you,and me.”

“Okay,I’m so excited,mommy!” she started jumping up and down, she ran out of the kitchen. I continued cooking.

20 minutes later, the waffles were done and we sat at the table, “Try it.” I grinned at him, he cut a piece of his waffle and took a bite, “Oh my God.”  he covered his mouth,chewing. I smiled, “This is the best thing I have ever tasted!”

I smiled, “I’m glad.” We continued eating.

“So we’ll meet in the park in a hour?” he grabbed his keys, “Sounds good to me.” I pecked his lips, “See you soon.”  he walked out, I headed to my bedroom when I heard the door open, the girls rushed to my bedroom, “Why was Joe here?!”


“He had to give me some work papers..” I took my hair down, “But it’s Saturday?” Lucy crossed her arms, “We know. He just needed to give me important information. Nothing more. He has a girlfriend...and I have Steven.”

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