Bad Dreams.

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**May contain some violence. FYI I do not condone violence**


I woke up to Joe on the phone. I watched him walk around in his boxers and a  wife beater. I played my fingers as I thought about the discussion we had last night. 

"Okay, see you soon. Love you." Joe hung up and pulled out his suitcase, I was confused. Who was that on the phone and who did he tell I love you to?

"What are you doing?" I rubbed my eyes. He sat down on the bed.

"Go pack your bags...we're going to Texas... Selena and Nick are driving the kids and we're meeting them at my parents." he gave me a small smile.

I sat up, "what?" I was shocked.

"If it means so much to you, I'm willing to go...whatever makes you happy, then I'm happy." he took my hand.

I reached over and kissed his lips, "I absolutely love you." I got up from bed and started packing my things, leaving the clothes I was going to wear out of the bad.

An hour has passed and we were done packing and we had a delicious breakfast. We got on our private plane to Texas. 

We only had an hour and a half left until we landed and I could tell Joe was getting sleepy. He laid his pillow on my lap and laid down on my lap, looking down.

I ran my hand through his hair, "I love you." he whispered before closing his eyes. I rested my eyes.

We finally landed in Dallas and I was excited to see my babies. I held Joe's hand all the way to his parent's house. I could tell he was nervous. 

We arrived and it seemed like we were the first ones here. We decided to get our luggage later. "Hey Demi! Hey baby!" Denise greeted us at the door with hugs.

"Speaking of babies, where are our babies?" Joe looked around, never letting go of my hand. 

"Traffic, they'll be here about 45 minutes they said." we followed her to the living room as we sat on the couch and talked.

"Well, Demi and I are looking for a house so we can live in together, with the kids of course." Joe chuckled, Paul's mouth dropped.

"So you finally selling that bachelor pad of yours?!" he acted so shocked. Joe nodded his head.

"I haven't been staying in it anyways. Demi just got a house, but I want something that we can call a home together.." Joe place our entwined hands on his lap.

"No offense,Demi, but what if you guys break up? Ya'll aren't married, anything can happen." Paul looked at us.

"Paul, stop it!" Denise slapped his hand.

"Yeah, but we experienced what it felt being apart...and we can't do that again...I know we're not married...but who needs a piece of paper to determine your love?" I looked at Joe, I was shocked he said that.

"But weren't you marr-" Joe interrupted his dad.

"Yes, but it was out of jealousy, okay dad?! We're done with questions." Joe sat back. I heard the door knob turn and I got up, excited to see my babies. 

"Mommy!!" Marley ran inside first. I picked her up, happy to see her.

"Hey baby!!" I kissed her face, she started giggling. "Hey Joey!" she reached for Joe. Joe took her from me. Nick and Selena walked in with Pierce and Penelope. 

"I see the future." Paul joked, I went over to them, I gave them a hug before I picked up the twins.

"There was a terrible wreck.We would have made it sooner." Nick hugged his mom and dad before I showed the twins off. 

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