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“I came to give you Mikey’s wedding invitation.” Kevin handed me a car, “You seriously couldn’t give me this at work?” I glared, knowing I won’t be at work,but he doesn’t know that.

“I won’t be at work. Danielle is making me go to some medical procedure she having done.” shit Danielle! Maybe Nick can handle it all on his own, he wanted it in the first place. “You could wait tomorrow.”

“Why do you not want me to be over at your house? Do you have Delta over? Because you look like you have been laid.” he chuckled, “No.” I lied. Yes, I was.

“How can I borrow you brown shoes? Riley chewed on my shoes.” he scratched his head, “Yeah,let me get you them.” I headed upstairs,but I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around and Kevin was behind me, “Can I help you?”

“I’m following you to your room,no biggie.” he is getting on my nerves, “Don’t.” I tried to stop him,but he kept walking up, “KEVIN,MY ROOM IS A MESS.” I yelled,hoping Demi would hear and hide.

“No,need to yell. Damn Joe.” he opened my door and Demi wasn’t on the bed, I was relieved. “You’re bed is a mess. “ he complained, “Can you just shut your goddamn mouth?” I walked into the closet, “These brown ones or these?” I held the shoes up, I noticed he was looking around, I saw Demi’s dress on the ground.

I hate my brothers.

“Paul Kevin!” I yelled,making him look me, “” he pointed, I got the matching shoe and gave it to him.

He sat on the end of my bed and started putting on his shoes, I started looking around, “You okay?” he looked at me, I just nodded my head, “You should get ready for work.” he stood up, “Yeah,yeah.” I ran my hand through my hair.

“Well,I’ll see you later,bro!” he punched me in the shoulder and walked out. I watched him get in his car and drive off from my house, “Demi?” I looked around, “That was close.” she crawled out from under my bed only in her bra and panties.

I chuckled, I walked over to her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her forehead, “Who said you could put on your bra panties?” I smirked, “I had to pee..” she bit her lip,there was anything that wasn’t attractive on this woman.

“Pee naked, you’d be taking them down anyways.” I licked my lips. “I know,but I don’t like to be naked for a long time.”

“I wish you were naked all day everyday..I would love to see your body.” I smirked at her, I started kissing her breast, I felt the chills coming from her body. “You know...I think we should go to work today…”

I groaned, “No..just because Kevin won’t be there..and only Nick will be working...doesn’t mean we have to. Nick started the business. He can do it.”  I put my mouth back on top of her boob.

“How bout we come in late?” she pouted,running her hand through my hair, “No,you said you wanted to stay in bed with me,we can do that,woman!”

“Please.” she lifted up my chin and pecked my lips.

“No.” I sighed.

She got on her knees. Fuck! She pulled down my boxers, “Please?”  she looked up at me,then she took my member and licked it straight up. She was getting me crazy. I tried to be strong and not let her get to me,  She began to put it in her mouth. I bit my lip,getting harder in her mouth.

“Fuck! Fine!” I lost he. She smirked up at me, “Yes!!” she kissed up my body to my neck.


After we made love again, Joe got ready and then he took me home so I could change.  

I slipped on a white pencil skirt and a loose navy tank top with navy heels. I pinned my hair up and walked out. Luckily Lucy and Selena were gone. I rushed outside and hopped into Joe’s car. We headed to work. Joe held my hand on the way there.

We got out and we headed inside, we weren’t holding hands now. “If you want to leave early today, let me give you money.” he kissed my forehead quickly before anyone could see, I smiled and headed to my office.

I put my purse down and sat at my desk, I turned on my computer. I dialled up Nick, “Hello?” he answered. He sounded tired.

“Hey Nick, I just want to tell you that I’m here..I was late because...I overslept.”

“Oh it’s okay.” he sighed, “Are you okay?” I typed in my password on my computer. “No. The Vamps are getting me a deadline to find someone to find with them and I can’t find nobody. I don’t want to lose them.”

I sighed, “I positive you will find someone soon,I promise.” I smiled, “Thanks,Demi… I’m going to email some files to complete.”

“Okay,sounds good. Bye.” I hung up,but ending up picking it up again, “I really hate you for making me come. I’m stacked!” Joe whined, I giggled, “Well,if you didn’t come today,you’d be even more stacked tomorrow.”

“Damn,you’re smart. I called actually to ask you something.”

“And that is?” I grinned.

“My brother’s brother in law is getting married next month,and I want you to be my date.” I was shocked,he’s asking me out in public, “But that’s very..public..”

“We would just have to act like’ll be rough,but I don’t want to go by myself and I don’t think Delta would come with me out of the blue. What you say?”

“Where’s it at?”


“Yes,I go! If you try to find a way to make Lucy and Selena to watch Marley.” he chuckled, “Got it. I’ll speak to you soon.” he hung up. I got Nick’s papers from the fax and I started filling them out.

I turned on some radio and Give Me Love was playing, at first I started humming along,then I started singing.

“Maybe tonight I'll call ya,after my blood turns into alcohol.No, I just wanna hold ya.” I sang.

Nick walked in, “Damn,you sing!?” I blushed, “Uh..” I scratched my head, “Only in the shower...or alone..”

“You’re the girl..the girl with the voice to sing with the Vamps! Shit,I’m going to make a call right now!” he rushed off before I could get the word out, shit!

I sat back down,taking a deep sigh.

“I saw what you did.” my headed lifted up to the skinny figure in front of me.

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