Letting Go.

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"He acted like I always go to him for help. I never asked him to help me with Marley's education, he volunteered. Today I wasn't asking for help, I just wanted his opinion on what to do." I curled into a ball on the couch.

"He's been acting weird ever since he got back from New York... He was distant...he was...like..like..the Joe I met when I got the job.." I sighed, I watched as Marley was playing with her barbies.

"You honestly don't think it's over, don't you? I mean couples have fights..you guys always seem to make it up at the end.." Lucy twirled her hair. I shook my head.

"No, I have to think about my daughter, I need to be here for her...I don't know why I even thought it was okay to date someone, definitely my boss. I'm tired of the rollercoaster, guys... One minute we're up in cloud 9, but then one second something falls and we're back down. I'm tired of it.. I need to be strong for my daughter."

They both sighed, "Alright.. we're sorry,boo." they climbed over on my side of the couch and hugged me. "I'm fine," I laughed, "I promise."

That night after dinner, Marley and I read a story together then it was her bedtime. "Will I be at Joey's tomorrow??" she looked at me, breaking my heart. "No,sweetie.. Joe hurt mommy, so we won't see Joe in a while. Night baby." I kissed her forehead and went out of the room.

I went to bed right after.

The next morning, I got into the shower and just threw on sweats and a shirt. I went downstairs to get me some coffee to go.

"You don't mind if we take Marley out tonight?" Lucy munched on some toast. I shook my head, "Yeah go ahead. I'll catch you guys later."

I went to my car and drove to the company, where we all got in Kevin's car and went to off. "So where are we filming this video?" I played with my fingers. I was wondering where Joe was, but I tried not to care. Maybe it was a good thing that he wasn't here.

"Malibu," Kevin answered me, "it'll at least take 2 hours , so you are welcome to sleep, like Nick is."

I glanced over at Nick, he was dead asleep. "Joe is meeting us there. He doesn't like riding with me." He probably didn't want to ride with him because of me. I closed my eyes and swiftly fell asleep.

"Demi, wake up." Nick shook me gently.

I opened up my eyes, "Are we here?" I looked around and I was surrounded by ocean. "Yeah. Follow me so I can take you to your trailer."

I got out of the car and followed Nick to my trailer. I looked over and saw Joe. He didn't notice me at all, he was too busy talking to some guy. "Here you go. People will tell you what to wear. Go have fun." Nick winked.

I stared at Joe for a second. He was in gray sweats and a black shirt. I never saw him dressed like that for work. "Demi Lovato?" a lady opened the door, interrupting my thoughts.

"Y...yes.." I went into the trailer.

The people made me sit down in a chair as some did my hair and some did my makeup. Once they finished with that, they gave me my outfit and I changed quickly. They got the jewelry on me. "You're finished. You can stay here until they want you, or you can watch."

"I'll watch." I went outside my trailer and stood with Kevin and Nick. I watched as The Vamps filmed their part. I looked over to my right and saw Joe smiting with some girl. I looked away quickly.

After they filmed the part with the guys and the scene with the girl, they were ready for me.

They helped me onto the top of a car hood. They positioned my legs and my structure. "Be happy. Show emotion like you would for this song.." the director told me. I start to get nervous.

"1..2..3." he started filming. I followed the words and showed the right amount of emotion. I thought I did pretty good. They wanted me to start over. They ended up liking the 2nd time.

We were on the next part and the sun was going down now so the boys filmed their part and now it was turn again. They had me playing with the curtains they had.

"Good job, I say we call for a break!" the director got up from his chair. I headed back to my trailer. Luckily no one was in there this time. I sat on the couch, looking through my phone. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Come in.." I sipped my water. Once I saw one foot step in, I knew who it was. I stood up.

"Demi.." Joe swallowed, "can we talk?" he shut the door.

"Sure.." I played with my fingers, I didn't want to look at him.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted...I was such an ass...I am just going through things...Demi, I love helping and I love seeing you smile. I'm sorry." Joe stood closer to me. I kept my eyes on the ground.

I was trying to find out what to say.

"I'm sorry too...It's over Joe." I closed my eyes.

"No, it's not over. It's only over when we both agree. I want us. I am all in, Demi. I'm in this relationship too. I was such a messed up guy but you came along and you showed me. I look into your brown eyes and I see my future in it. My future is with you. This can't be over because some little fight. I know I haven't told anyone about us, but I will. Tell me you want that and I'll go out there," he pointed to the door, "and I'll tell everyone that I am truly madly and deeply in love with a brown eyed girl named Demi. I am selfishly in love with you. I want you now, tomorrow, and forever, just....please.. don't say it's over."

I closed my eyes tightly, trying not to cry. "I love you, Joe...but this wasn't going to work...You couldn't think this relationship would honestly work..We hid so much... and you hid things from me and you still are. I want a relationship full of truth...I want a boyfriend who isn't afraid to tell something major, because he would know I got his back...obviously you can't do that... I love you so much... when I fall in love, I fall hard and if I keep going with this relationship...I'm going to fall dirt deep...then I'll have to pick up the pieces.."

"Demi, no you wo--"

"Joe, if you love me, let me go." I looked up at him, his eyes looked at mine, then he left. The door slamming behind me. I couldn't be here any longer. I changed clothes and grabbed my purse. I ran out of the trailer.

"Break ends in fo--- why did you change?" Nick grabbed my shoulders, I yanked them off. "I can't do this....Tell them to reschedule my part...I need to go." I ran off.

I got a taxi to take me back to LA. It was going to be a lot of money but I didn't care at the moment, I just wanted to go home.

I arrived home and no one was home. I paid the driver and went inside. I was a mix of everything. I got out the pint of ice cream and sat on the couch. I started eating the ice cream right out of the pint on the couch in the dark.

Lucy and Selena got home not too long after I did. They opened the door and turned on the light. "Demi?"

"Marley, go get ready for bed while we talk to mommy." Selena put Marley down and she ran upstairs.

"What's wrong?" they rushed over to the couch.

"I'm not fine..." I officially broke down crying. All the feelings I felt were let out.

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