Dinner With The Jonas's.

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It was now 2 weeks since Joe was out of jail and I was now 10 weeks pregnant. I'm starting to show a tiny bit, but it's not that noticeable. We're up in Texas. It's Joe's mom's' birthday, so we decided to go celebrate it with her, this is my first time meeting his parents. Joe promised this would be our last trip and I sure hope so, because I don't think my job likes me taking so many days off.

I was sitting on the hotel bed,waitin on Joe. I had on jeans and a fancy shirt. Joe walked out in a red and black plaid shirt and black pants. I felt terrible. "Why are you dressed so nicely?" I put my magazine down.

"I haven't exactly seen my family...in forever and I'm exactly not their favorite son anymore." Joe fixed up his hair. I got up from the bed and digged through my suitcase.

"Now I have to change..I feel like crap now compared to you." I pulled out a light pink spaghetti strap maxi dress. I went to the bathroom and changed quickly. I changed my shoes to a white sandal. "I'm ready." I grabbed my purse.

"Wait," Joe grabbed my hand and pulled me back, "this is just in case I can't do it later." he kissed my passionately. I giggled against his lips.

"Let's go." Joe took my hand and we headed to the car we rented when we got here. He started driving to the house. I looked over and he looked so nervous.

"Hey," I took his hand and held it, "It's going to be okay...They will be happy to see you. I'm the one that should be nervous." I kissed his knuckles.

He glanced over at me, "What do you have to be nervous about?"

"Many things," I sighed, "They might not like me."

Joe shook his head, "They'll love you, they have to. They'll treat you like you're their daughter...maybe you'll get that mother and father you've been wanting." I looked over at him, he was being too hard on himself. I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet. I continued holding his hand tight.

Joe pulled into the driveway and the house was just as big as Joe's. "Don't be surprise." Joe chuckled. Joe got out of the car and ran over to the open the car door for me.

"Thank you,babe." I got out,giving him a peck on the cheek. He took my hand and we headed to the door, I felt nervous now. Joe ran the doorbell.

I heard footsteps come to the door. The door then opened. "Oh hey Joe." Joe led me in.

"Hey dad, this is my girl, Demi. Demi, this is my dad,Paul." he shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you,Demi," he looked at me up and down, "I wish you would've told us you had a girl coming with you.." his dad looked over at Joe. Joe dropped my hand.

"Why?" I turned my head and saw an ombre brown/blonde girl in the dining room with a kid.

"I invited Blanda...I figured she is a different person, she can now help you." his dad told him, and I saw his expression, he was in shock. "You hated Blanda! Why are you doing this!?" Joe whispered.

I saw Paul shrug his shoulders. Joe sighed, he took my hand. He led me to the kitchen. "Hey Kevin, hey Nick. Hey mom, this is my girlfriend,Demi. Demi,this is my mom,Denise."

"Hey Demi." Denise didn't even look at me.

Joe sighed, "Happy Birthday,mom." Joe went to the dining room and I followed. "Daddy!" the little boy smiled big, so I figured it was Joe's son.

"Hey little guy." Joe picked him up. "Babe, this is my son,Caden." I smiled, the boy waved at me. "Hey cutie." he looked a lot like Joe. "Blanda,this is the girl you helped me make happy, this is Demi."

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