right person, wrong time【one】| natasha romanoff

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summary: you're supposed to welcome S.H.I.E.L.D.'s newest recruit, Natasha Romanoff, but nobody knows anything about her and everyone is most definitely scared of her, including you.

warning/s: mentions of shooting, guns and fighting.

author's note: i totally fell in love with natasha in iron man 2 as a 10 year old and tried to convince myself i didn't fancy a woman bc being gay wasn't 'good' but she was too pretty to resist and look at me now! over a decade later, i've finally written a natasha imagine! it's a four-parter and full of angst/pining/slow burn, so be prepared.

also, in this, infinity war/endgame didn't happen, and they don't really mention natasha's storyline pre-iron man 2 in S.H.I.E.L.D. (which is where this starts) so i made some of it up oops

finally, the below gif is where i fell in love w her for the first time okay bye enjoy

finally, the below gif is where i fell in love w her for the first time okay bye enjoy

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"Do you think she'll be nice?" my colleague, Jacob, asked curiously.

I shrugged, swinging my legs as I sat on the edge of the kitchen counter. "Probably. Does Barton seem like the type to recruit mean people?"

"Apparently she's an assassin," Jacob deadpanned. "Why would he recruit someone like that?"

I quirked a brow. "Keyword being apparently. We don't know anything about her, mate. She could be a straight up serial killer."

He narrowed his eyes at me when he realised what I said, and I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. I was kidding of course, to an extent. We knew nothing about Natasha Romanoff, the newly-hired agent that Agent Barton had recruited off his recent mission. Romanoff was supposed to be his target, but he'd offered her a job instead and that was all Jacob and I knew.

Rumours were flying around S.H.I.E.L.D. about who she was, why she was so important and why she was worth recruiting when she'd apparently been a priority target. Though, her skills included but weren't limited to espionage, tactical fighting and martial arts, so it was obvious why she was recruited.

Jacob and I had been called in because she needed a team to work with whilst she got used to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s way of working, and we'd worked with Barton before so he recommended us. He was showing her the ropes, her official partner, but they would be working with us for a while until she knew how we did things. So, Jacob and I were waiting in the Compound kitchen for Barton to officially introduce us all.

"Okay, ssshhh, ssshhh, I see them coming," he said, waving his hand at me as he looked through the window in the door.

"You're literally the one talking, but okay," I pointed out, but fell quiet when he ran to stand beside me as the door handle jiggled.

When Barton entered the room with Romanoff on his tail, I jumped off the counter and straightened up, offering a friendly smile as they approached us. Barton was never smiley in the first place, and he looked between us both with a respectful nod. The redhead behind him on the other hand, I knew nothing about, but she didn't seem like the smiliest of bunches either.

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