dating wonder girl concepts【two】| donna troy

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summary: just some random moments for what it would be like if you dated Wonder Girl p.2

warning/s: mentions of death.

author's note: another part, idk if there's plans to have conor return in the next season but i really hope so! she's too cute as donna troy

author's note: another part, idk if there's plans to have conor return in the next season but i really hope so! she's too cute as donna troy

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when she returns to her duties as Wonder Girl...

"You shouldn't add that, it's not gonna taste nice."

Donna gave me a knowing look, already mixing the coffee granules in a mug with some hot water. "It'll be fine. When does the food channel ever lie?"

I quirked a brow, trying not to laugh. "Seriously? That's your argument?"

"Just ssshhhh," she said childishly, waving her hand as she finishing dissolving the coffee granules. Raising the mug, she began to pour it in the bolognese sauce she was cooking, adding, "It'll taste fine–"

"Oh, Don–!" I started, pushing her out the way, a second too late because she'd already poured it in the sauce bubbling away on the stove. I groaned. "C'mon, Donna, seriously?"

She bumped me out the way with her hip, grabbing the wooden spoon and giving it a stir. "Watch and learn."

I sighed with disbelief, letting her do what she wanted but knowing it wouldn't turn out well. "This is gonna be disgusting, Donna Troy."

She chuckled, flashing me her signature smile. "It won't. Have faith."

Before I could reply with something sarky, a knock on her front door interrupted our conversation, making her push me away slowly.

"Saved by the bell," she said, wafting me away with her hand. "Go and get that, will you?"

I rolled my eyes playfully before going to see who was at the door. When I opened up, I was met with a tall, dark-haired stranger who seemed familiar but I couldn't quite recall.

"Hey...," I started, smiling politely, though with confusion.

He seemed just as confused, mirroring my expression. "Er, hi. I'm, er, I'm looking for an old friend of mine. Donna Troy?"

"Right..." I squinted suspiciously, subtly looking him up and down. "And what's the name?"

"Dick Grayson," Donna's voice said from behind me, and I turned around to see her smiling at the stranger. "Long time, no see."

"Dick Grayson as in your old friend Dick Grayson?" I asked with a raised brow, looking to her.

"That's the one," Donna said, before looking back to him curiously.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything," Dick said apologetically. "I should've called or–"

"No, it's fine, you didn't," I assured him, giving him a small smile. "I feel like you guys will wanna catch up. You should come in. I'll give you guys some time."

Imagine That: Multifandom Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now