no more goodbyes【two】| katniss everdeen

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summary: when you finally get through the toughest of winters with Katniss, glad you won't lose her, it's all for nothing because she volunteers for her sister in the Hunger Games.

warning/s: usual the hunger games warnings.

author's note: little late today but here's the second and final part! was fun to write a katniss and i hope you all liked the ending 🥰

author's note: little late today but here's the second and final part! was fun to write a katniss and i hope you all liked the ending 🥰

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It was a few days later when I visited Katniss and found her sat in the living room for a change. I had to do a double take when I saw her, so used to seeing her be bed-bound. But no, she was sat on the couch in fresh clothes and looking freshly bathed. I was surprised, unable to do anything but stare until she beckoned me to join her.

"Sorry, but you just– you're up!" I said with amazement. "Katniss."

She smiled a little, nodding. "I am. I think this is the first time I can actually hold my own."

Hearing her say that made me relax instantly, my worry and concern fully disappearing. It was all I'd ever wanted. And she was already looking a lot better, the colour returning to her cheeks, the circles under her eyes disappearing, the migraines practically nonexistent. She was beginning to look like her old self again.

"Listen," she said suddenly, and I realised she was struggling to tell me something. "Whilst I was at my worst, you did a lot when I couldn't. And I just– thank you, Y/N."

"Of course," I said dismissively.

"No, you did way too much," she added, meeting my eyes. "More than you needed to. With looking after my family and with the medicine."

"I'd do it all again too," I said with a shrug, and the look she shot me made me take on a more serious approach. "I couldn't imagine losing you, Katniss. I wouldn't know what to do. You mean so much to me and I had to get you better. There was no other option."

She exhaled uncomfortably, looking down, and I winced at my declaration. Katniss was never one for talking about her feelings, let alone hearing other people gush about theirs. She was always too busy surviving, so she never had time for it.

"Sorry," I said. "I know you hate sappy stuff."

"No," she said quickly. "It's not that. It's–" She paused, looking up at me hesitantly. "The truth is, I thought I was gonna– I wasn't sure if I'd make it. It terrified me, not being able to move or do things or take care of my family. And Prim, poor Prim... I would have had to leave her. And you, I wouldn't have been able to say goodbye. Not properly."

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