green-eyed monster【two】| alicia clark

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summary: after deciding to take Jade on your supply run, you don't expect anything out of the ordinary to happen, and yet, you never seem to get your way.

warning/s: mentions of blood, injury and death

author's note: the last part of this little two parter. It was really fun writing an alicia fic again, i won't lie. hope you all enjoy!!

The goal was to go to a gardening store at a local strip mall not too far out from the stadium, about half an hour away

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The goal was to go to a gardening store at a local strip mall not too far out from the stadium, about half an hour away. Alicia was the one who'd found it on the map not long ago, so that's where Jade and I were headed. She read out the directions and I drove us there.

"Doesn't look like there's anyone around," she commented as I pulled up out front. "That's good, right?"

I looked around, noticing the few beat up cars that were parked and the semi-trashed stores. Thankfully, the gardening store looked mostly untouched.

"That's good," I confirmed, before putting on my handbrake and switching off the engine. "Come on, let's see what we can find."

The two of us jumped out the truck and pulled on our backpacks before carefully entering the store. I had my knife at the ready, as did Jade, and we did a thorough sweep of the few aisles there were before declaring it empty of infected.

"Okay, see if you can have a look around for the stuff on this list," I said, pulling out a scrap piece of paper that Alicia had made. "Shout if you need a hand."

She accepted the paper, glanced over it, and nodded. "Okay, sounds good."

"I'll have a look over here," I said, pointing to one side of the store.

She nodded and we parted ways temporarily. I put my knife away and began to search the aisles for the first thing I remembered seeing on the list: some bags of compost. I felt lucky as I found a display in the corner. A few of the bags had been knocked over and ripped open, otherwise there was plenty of choice. I was studying one of the bags, reading the fine print to make sure it was the correct one, when I heard Jade calling my name. She didn't sound in danger, so I turned around to see what was up.

She was approaching me casually and I raised my eyebrows.

"Is everything oka–"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because she walked right into me, using her knife to stab me in the gut. I was shocked, unable to register what was happening, and then she did it repeatedly a few more times, yanking it out and plunging it in. I looked down, my own blood covering my shirt and her knife, and then the pain began to register.

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