colours of the rainbow | lucy gray baird

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summary: you're colour blind and ask Lucy Gray to describe what colours look like.

warning/s: none.

author's note: so this was requested a while back on tumblr, as the person requesting it is colour blind. Ngl it was more of a test for me to describe colours to someone who can't seem them very well, so i hope i've done a good enough job 😂

 Ngl it was more of a test for me to describe colours to someone who can't seem them very well, so i hope i've done a good enough job 😂

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Lucy Gray's arms wrapped around me as I half laid on her chest, the two of us leaning against a tree in the forest. The moment was comforting, every part of me at ease whenever I was with her, especially so when we escaped the confinements of District 12 and ventured out a little.

The sunlight filtering through the canopy of leaves was sparkling on the forest floor, particularly highlighting some flowers that were growing amidst some moss. They were beautiful, the colours even brighter I assumed, but I couldn't be certain. I was colour blind, so everything looked more or less a similar one-shade colour, with nothing vibrant or standing out.

"Hey, Lucy Gray?" I muttered, fingers squeezing hers gently. She hummed, and I continued, "Those flowers are pretty."

"They are," she agreed, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Are they red?" I asked, more of a guess.

"Kind of," she answered with a slight shrug. "More pink, I'd say."

I sighed, nodding slightly.

"What is it?" she asked, sensing something was wrong, and I could feel her eyes watching my profile.

I tilted my head as I looked at the flowers once more, before my eyes found hers. "Can you describe it to me? The colour?"

She smiled softly. "Of course I can... They're pink, which is kind of a bright and feminine shade. It's looks how I'd say a good spritz of perfume would make you feel, all light and airy and confident. But it can also be soft, like the suppleness of a rose petal. That's the shade right there, on that flower. Soft, light, like when you watch someone with adoration."

I mirrored her smile as she spoke, each word uttered with careful consideration. I'd never seen a true shade of pink, but the way she described it sounded so familiar, so wonderful, and I suddenly wanted more.

"Was that okay?" she asked, before chuckling slightly. "It's actually harder than I thought."

"That was perfect," I assured her, before kissing her cheek gratefully. "Can you do it for other colours?"

She pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head adorably. "I'd be honoured, darlin'."

My smile remained permanent as I got comfortable once more, eyes staring ahead at the trees as she took her time to find the right words.

"I can start with yellow," she began after a moment. "It's an easy one after all." Taking my hand gently, she held it out to the sliver of sunlight before us, our skin warming to the touch. "You feel that? That's what yellow is to me. Warm. It's the colour of someone laughin' so contagiously that you can't help but smile at their joy, the feelin' in your chest when you're with someone you care about, that blossomin' feelin' that spreads all around. Yellow looks like that. All-encompassin' happiness."

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