the weird archer【three】| kate bishop

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summary: when someone else asks you out, Kate knows it's now or never with telling you how she feels.

warning/s: none.

author's note: this is the final part, i hope you all liked it! kate is such a cute character to write aha

author's note: this is the final part, i hope you all liked it! kate is such a cute character to write aha

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When your friends keep teasing you about somebody liking you, it's quite easy to dismiss it as them taking the piss and simply wanting to annoy you. Especially when the person they think likes you isn't someone you like in a romantic way.

But maybe I should've really paid attention when Yelena and Y/BF/N used to make kissy faces at me whenever Jamal used to talk to me. I was convinced they were just seeing things, wanting to bug me, because Jamal was just somebody in my class. A friend at most and nothing more.

And because I didn't suspect he liked me, nor did I like him in that way, I missed when he actually tried to ask me out. Kind of like I missed the obvious of when he always used to flirt with me.

I was in the library editing some photos when he bumped into me and struck up a conversation. Again, it was nice having someone to chat to about my work, gauge a second opinion, bitch about class with. I didn't think much of it.

"So... you got any plans tonight?" he asked when the conversation fell silent momentarily.

I shrugged mindlessly, editing on the computer at the same time. "Not really."

He straightened up in his seat as he asked, "Well, d'you wanna, maybe, go out for dinner or something? There's a new Chinese restaurant not far from here that we could try."

I considered it, before shaking my head. "Nah, I probably shouldn't. I've got a bunch of ingredients in my fridge that I should probably use." I began to chuckle as I glanced over at him. "I watched one episode of Jamie Oliver and just assumed I could make this prawn pasta dish. Now I've actually gotta do it. Stupid, right?"

He bit his lip, humming softly.

"Damn, a Chinese sounds good now, too," I continued, looking back to my screen. "Maybe next time, yeah? Or just tell me how it is if you end up going without me."

So, I wasn't actually aware that he'd been trying to ask me out on a date until two days later when I was hurrying about my dorm, trying to get ready to leave for my volunteering at the care home.

In a rush because I was late and had to get the bus as Yelena couldn't pick me up, I almost walked right over the bouquet of flowers on the floor outside my door. But I didn't, and I picked it up with confusion, wondering who they were for.

Finding a card poking out the middle, I quickly pulled it out, aware of the time, and started to read it

I probably should have made it clearer when I asked, that's my fault, sorry. But I would love if you would do me the honour of accompanying me on a romantic dinner date, Y/N. If you're interested, of course. — Jamal

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