right person, wrong time【two】| natasha romanoff

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summary: just as you predicted, Natasha rises up in the ranks which means you won't be working together anymore, but that doesn't stop you from thinking about her.

warning/s: mentions of death and injury (nothing graphic).

author's note: it's so nice to see you all enjoying this so far. Always makes my day to read your lovely comments. Hope you enjoy the second part 🥰

The silent treatment lasted for about a week, with Natasha and I avoiding each other around the Compound out of pure stubbornness

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The silent treatment lasted for about a week, with Natasha and I avoiding each other around the Compound out of pure stubbornness.

Honestly, I didn't think I owed her an apology or anything because I didn't think I'd done anything wrong. I was just doing my job, doing everything like I'd been taught to do, and she'd completely flipped for no reason. I liked Natasha, I did, but I wasn't going to accept someone questioning my work ethic.

...That mentality expired after a week, when I began to realise how inconvenient it was to be in this mess. We worked together and we couldn't avoid each other forever. Yes, part of me knew I hadn't done anything wrong, maybe aside from assume she was used to working alone and touching on a past I knew nothing about, but one of us had to make the first move. So, looked like it was me.

After searching for her around the place, I was told she was in the kitchen with Barton and headed over there, only to pause right before walking in because I heard raised voices.

"...no! I'm not doing it, Clint!" It was Natasha, sounding peeved as usual. "I don't apologise! Ever. Not to anyone, and especially not to her."

"Nat, you're acting like a child, c'mon," Barton was saying. "Y/N was doing her job. And you succeeded with your mission, so what's the problem?"

I could imagine the scowl on her face as she said, "I'm. Not. Apologising."

Rolling my eyes, I turned around and left. If she didn't want to get off her high horse and simply say sorry, then I certainly wasn't going to be the one making the first move.


A few days later, I was in the training room, engrossed in exercising and, particularly, punching the punching bag before me.

Earphones in my ears, I was vibing to some Fall Out Boy as I kept punching the bag with all my strength, focusing on keeping my speed and agility up since I'd noticed that was a problem for me lately. I was so caught up in working out that when a bullet flew past me and hit the punching bag, I jumped and stopped what I was doing, yanking my earphones from my ears and spinning around quickly.

Standing behind me was Natasha, of course, lowering one of the non-lethal guns we had that you could practice with.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, raising my eyebrows with disbelief. "Are you trying to kill me?!"

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