stupidly jealous【two】| alycia debnam-carey

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summary: as your relationship progresses outside of summer camp, you and Alycia eventually get to the hard bit: meeting the parents.

warning/s: none.

author's note: a little delayed, my bad! but i'm glad you guys are enjoying this one. hope you like this part! 🥰

 hope you like this part! 🥰

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Prologue Part Two...

The fire was crackling before everyone, the embers curling upwards and disappearing into thin air. It was such a comforting evening with the warmth of the fire in the cool summer evening and everyone gathered around in an intimate setting.

What made it better was Alycia, who was approaching me with two cups in her hand and a beautiful smile adorning her lips.

"Hot chocolate for you," she said cheerfully, taking a seat beside me and handing it over.

"Thank you," I said, accepting the drink and holding out the blanket for her to get into.

Her green eyes appeared golden by the fire, and her long, brown hair was pulled out of her face into a ponytail, leaving a matching golden glow on her skin. She was stunning this evening, and I didn't really know what to do but admire her.

She got under the blanket that spread across our legs, cuddling closer to me and sending goosebumps on my arm where hers touched mine. I stifled a smile as I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Is it good? I added some hazelnut syrup and I thought it would taste nice," she said, before widening her eyes. "Shit, you're not allergic to nuts are you?"

I laughed at the worry in her expression. "I'm not allergic, but damn, if I was, you'd be a little late with the warning, love."

She breathed out with relief and and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"It tastes great, for the record," I added with a knowing look. "Thank you."

Her cheeks dusted pink as she smiled in return. "I'm glad."

We both looked towards the fire as we sipped our hot chocolates, and it was a comforting silence until she nudged me gently in the arm, getting my attention.

"Look, it's the kids," she muttered, nodding ahead.

I looked to where she was nodding to and realised she was talking about Angelina and Taylor. They were sitting side by side, holding hands and chatting between themselves, shy smiles on their faces.

"They're very cute," I said quietly, unable to stop smiling since clearly Alycia's advice had worked.

"They are," Alycia agreed, admiring them proudly.

I took another sip of my drink as I glanced at her curiously. "Why did you ask me out this evening, Alycia?"

She met my eyes and leaned into her palm as she watched me with mischievous eyes. "Well, if it wasn't obvious, I like you, Y/N."

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