a perilous voyage【two】| lara croft

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summary: after managing to escape Yamatai, you're left to deal with the aftermath of emotions it brings for you, whilst also trying to be there for Sam and Lara.

warning/s: same as last time, with the additional mention of nightmares.

author's note: here's part two! hope the Lara enthusiasts liked this one :)

also just a reminder, y/m/n = your mother's name

"She'll be here, I know it," Jonah said with certainty, but it was looking more and more hopeless as him, Reyes and I stared into the distance at the colourful arrays coming from the monastery

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"She'll be here, I know it," Jonah said with certainty, but it was looking more and more hopeless as him, Reyes and I stared into the distance at the colourful arrays coming from the monastery.

Sam had been taken again by the island natives and Lara had gone after her whilst Jonah, Reyes and I bought her some time, but we'd all promised to regroup on the beach and Lara hadn't returned with Sam yet. The storm that had been ravaging the island since we got here had cleared up, which could have only meant she'd succeeded in stopping the Sun Queen – but where were they?

After what felt like a lifetime, we spotted Lara approaching through the trees, bloody and battered, carrying an unconscious Sam in her arms. Jonah immediately leapt into action to help her, taking Sam from her arms, whilst I joined Lara's side and led her back to the boat. Reyes was quick to prepare the boat for our departure.

"What happened?" Jonah asked Lara what we were all thinking, setting Sam down in the boat.

Exhausted, Lara answered, "It's over. We can leave now."

Jonah and I exchanged worried glances as Reyes wasted no more time in setting off. Everybody was as tired as they looked, so we sat in silence, looking out at the water as Reyes steered us back to civilisation.

Thankfully, after a few hours, a passing freighter spotted us and took us in, giving us food, drink and first aid supplies to keep us going until we reached land. So much had happened in the past few days that seeing real people who actually wanted to help us felt impossible.

After getting some help with bandaging my arm up by one of the crewman, I noticed Lara approaching me on the lower deck.

"Thanks," I said appreciatively to the crewman, who nodded with a smile before leaving me be.

"Hey," Lara said softly, taking a seat beside me.

"Hey," I replied, offering a small smile. I noticed she'd had chance to clean up a little, but her skin was still littered with bruises and scrapes, and her shirt was soaked with dried blood. "How's Sam?"

"Resting," she said with a sigh. "Jonah is watching her."

I hummed, worried for my friend. She'd been kidnapped, tortured and possessed by an evil spirit – I could only hope she'd get the help she needed to recover when we returned home.

"I wanted to check on you earlier, but I was distracted," Lara admitted, finding my eyes. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, Lara," I assured her gently, before resting a hand on hers. "How are you doing?"

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