body swap【three】| wanda maximoff

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summary: when you find yourself spending time with Wanda as Kate, you can't help but want to find out more about how she feels about you.

warning/s: none i don't think??

author's note: part 3 is here! i keep forgetting that this doesn't update itself so sorry for taking a little longer than usual 😭😂

After a week of being on bed rest, Kate was finally let out of the infirmary, though she still wasn't able to do much, including training and missions, which annoyed her but was a relief to me since it meant less chances of trouble

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After a week of being on bed rest, Kate was finally let out of the infirmary, though she still wasn't able to do much, including training and missions, which annoyed her but was a relief to me since it meant less chances of trouble.

Instead, she helped me come up with a way to tell Clint that I wanted to hold off on the archery training for the rest of the month and instead give hand to hand combat training more work with Natasha. That was easy to set up, since Nat loved me, so 'I' was able to talk her into giving 'Kate' some personal training. Clint and Nat were both okay with it, so that made one thing easier in my life.

"You better make me look good in front of Natasha," Kate was saying after we told Clint the new plan. "She's the Black Widow. I can't be caught slacking."

I chuckled as I peeled my orange in the kitchen. "I know, don't worry. I'm good at making impressions. She's gonna love training you, and when we're back to normal, you're gonna be in Nat's good graces."

Kate grinned. "Hell yeah."

I rolled my eyes, hiding my smile, and began to eat my orange as she told me about her obsession with Natasha's fighting style. I'd like to say I was listening, but my attention was stolen by Wanda who was stood by the dining table, talking to Bruce about something or the other.

She looked good today, I wouldn't lie, wearing a tight vest top and some joggers that accentuated her curves in all the right places. Her red hair was pulled back into a ponytail, exposing her sharp jaw line and pursed lips as she listened intently to whatever Bruce was blabbing on about, and I found myself biting my lip as I subtly checked her out.

Suddenly, I was slapped on the arm harshly and I jumped at the contact, snapping out of my daze.

"Dude!" Kate exclaimed with a look of disgust. "Quit it!"

When I saw myself looking back at me, I remembered who and where I was and straightened up.

"Shit, sorry, Kate," I said quietly so nobody could hear. "My bad."

She still looked horrified as she stole my orange from hand. "Yeah it's your bad!"

I snuck a final glance at Wanda, feeling a pinch in my chest, before following Kate out of the kitchen.


When I was working out in the gym one day, I didn't expect Wanda to approach me and ask if I wanted to spar with her. And then I remembered she was asking Kate and not me, so I agreed for Kate's sake because she'd been mithering me constantly about building a friendship with Wanda for her.

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