dating wonder girl concepts【three】| donna troy

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summary: just some random moments for what it would be like if you dated Wonder Girl p.3

warning/s: mentions of death, grief and mourning.

author's note: and here is the final part! thanks to the few of you who are enjoying it – donna troy deserves more credit on here! but it's okay, i still love writing for her 💙

author's note: and here is the final part! thanks to the few of you who are enjoying it – donna troy deserves more credit on here! but it's okay, i still love writing for her 💙

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when you find out she's dead...

"You know, the whole point of moving in together is to actually be together," I said, half joking but half serious.

Donna paused from her packing as she looked up at me, a sad smile on her lips. After almost two years of dating, we'd made the decision to move in together, especially since the whole her leaving to be Wonder Girl thing had gotten in the way. We thought it would be better to stick together – well, she did, probably to further show how sorry she was for just leaving, but I wasn't exactly opposed to the idea.

Two months later and we signed a lease for a place together, an open-plan loft in New York which was probably a bit more expensive than we liked, but we couldn't help it. Of course, as we settled in and moved everything over, bought furniture, made it homey... she got a call from the Titans and was asked to help them with a mission.

"I'm sorry, I know this was supposed to be a fresh start," she said, before looking down. "But this is important. Once it's done, I'll be back and it'll be like nothing has changed."

This wasn't just any mission. It was one that involved Deathstroke, the person who'd broken the Titans up in the first place, the person who made Donna stop being Wonder Girl and the person who killed Garth. You could see why I was worried.

"I know," I said with a soft sigh. "I know you have to do this. But I also know that revenge doesn't always go to plan. Just... just think about that before you do anything you might regret. Please." And come back to me in one piece.

She nodded before rounding the bed to sit beside me. Taking my hand between hers, she smiled tenderly, a smile I was certain I could never forget.

"I am going to be absolutely fine," she promised me, and my heart skipped a beat with the way she looked at me. "I'm going to keep in touch. Text, call, the usual. And if for some reason I don't, you've got the other guys' numbers. It'll be like I'm not even gone. Then I'll be back before you know it."

I returned her smile, but her words did little to ease my nerves. There wouldn't be a time she'd leave for Wonder Girl duties where I wouldn't worry, but I was trying so hard not to be selfish.

"You're right," I agreed reluctantly, not wanting to concern her. "Now, let's get you packed. We don't want you forgetting your underwear or something."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "C'mon, I'm a superhero. Superheroes don't forget to pack underwear."

I quirked a brow and stood up, going into her drawer to pull out some underwear. She scoffed and took it from my hands.

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