the Clarks【two】| alicia clark

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summary: as you grow up alongside the Clarks, your crush on Alicia seems to grow, as well as your friendship with Nick.

warning/s: mentions of rehab, drugs, death, minor violence and injury.

author's note: this is v late and i'm so sorry for that! i never usually wait this long between parts but it was my birthday this week so the past few days i've been celebrating haha. Without further ado however, here's part two! hope you enjoy it 🥰

 Without further ado however, here's part two! hope you enjoy it 🥰

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16 years old...

I finished refilling the salt and pepper shakers of the diner I worked at when the bell rang by the door, signalling new customers. When I looked up, I was pleasantly surprised to see Alicia walking through the door, followed by a few of her friends from school.

As they took a seat at a booth in the corner, she stopped by the bar to greet me.

"Hey, Y/N," she said with a slight smile, eyes meeting mine. "I wasn't sure if you were on shift today."

"Hey, yeah, I've picked up some extra ones after school," I said, returning her smile. "It's good to see you. I'll be at your table in a minute, yeah?"

She nodded in agreement, flashing me a final smile before going to join her friends. As I grabbed my notepad and pen, my girlfriend and colleague, Mona, stopped by the bar with a groan as another customer left the diner behind her.

"Tough order?" I asked with amusement.

"More like rude customer," she muttered with annoyance. "Your usual ones who complain about the stupidest of things. I was very close to hurting someone."

I laughed at her dismay, resting my hand on her arm and squeezing it gently. She was the least confrontational person I knew so she definitely wouldn't have done anything, but I also knew how annoying rude customers could be. That was how we'd bonded when we first met when she started working here a few months ago.

"It's fine, at least they're gone now," I assured her.

"Yeah, but it happens so much lately," she whined. "It's so hard to not just 'accidentally' spit in their food, y'know?"

"Hey, who's saying you can't?" I asked as I rounded the bar to wait on Alicia's table.

Sensing my teasing, Mona shoved me in the arm playfully, making me laugh as I approached Alicia's table. My laughter faded into a smile as I looked over to the Clark girl.

"Mona's working today, too?" she asked curiously, glancing over at said girl.

"Yep, definitely makes days here easier," I said playfully, though very much meaning it.

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