the ranchers【three】| alicia clark

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summary: after accidentally exposing your vulnerable side to Alicia, you fear you've crossed the line and can't go back on your feelings for her – and you're not sure you want to.

warning/s: mentions of death, blood, injury and weapons.

author's note: i'm glad you're all enjoying this one! only one more part after this ♥️

When Alicia and I returned to the ranch the next day, I knew there was a shift in dynamic between us

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When Alicia and I returned to the ranch the next day, I knew there was a shift in dynamic between us. Last night had brought us closer, especially since we fell asleep together, and I didn't hate it. Mostly, I was grateful for her company, but it also scared me a little. Growing closer with her meant my feelings were only intensifying, and that meant I was getting attached. I couldn't take losing someone else I cared for, so this was a dangerous game to play.

And yet I played it just a little longer. It would have been rude of me not to acknowledge what she'd done for me, how she'd been there for me. So, when I had the time, I picked some flowers, making her a bouquet – a little thank you for helping me – and left them in a vase on the doorstep of her family's cabin. As I left them there, hoping to avoid confrontation, footsteps behind me startled me and I spun around, embarassed.

"Er, hey."

It was Nick, Alicia's older brother.

"Erm, hi," I spoke awkwardly, offering a matching smile. We'd only spoken a few times on occasion, so it was still pretty odd between us.

His eyes fell to the vase behind me. "You good? You need something? Alicia's not here."

I cleared my throat uncomfortably. "Yes, I'm aware. Sorry, this was supposed to be– never mind. I was just– the flowers are for Alicia. They're a thanks for her helping me out with something yesterday. That's all."

He nodded slowly, definitely confused. "Nice. Okay, I'll let her know."

Letting out a breath, I smiled. "Great. I'll leave you to it."

As I was about to walk away, he stopped me and asked, "Are you and Alicia, like–? Y'know?"

I quirked a brow. "Like what?"

He studied my expression, confused, before shaking his head. "Never mind... You're friends, right? You hang out a lot."

"I guess so, yeah," I answered, visibly confused. "Why? Did she say something?"

"Say something?"

"Yeah, like did she say something about it?" I asked, wondering why he was asking a question with such an obvious answer.

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