right person, wrong time【four】| natasha romanoff

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summary: you go to be with Natasha in Norway, but she doesn't let everything happen so easily.

warning/s: mentions of murder, assassin stuff and basically all of natasha's past.

author's note: and here it is... the final part! i hope it's satisfactory for you all 🤌🏼

My palms were sweaty as they rested on the steering wheel of the rental car I was driving

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My palms were sweaty as they rested on the steering wheel of the rental car I was driving. Though I'd said yes so easily to joining Natasha in Norway, the consequences of my decision hadn't actually dawned on me until I was flying over to her two days later.

It was probably a stupid decision, I knew that, but I couldn't say no to her. To this day, I still wasn't sure what Natasha and I were. Colleagues? Friends? Best friends? But I did know that she had a hold on me that I couldn't quite explain – I was at her beck and call and I wasn't sure if she even knew it.

My first plan was to get a taxi to wherever Natasha was staying, but when I converted her coordinates into an address to give to a taxi driver, I was told it was basically in the middle of nowhere and they couldn't drive me. So, my next best bet was renting a car and going there myself. I shouldn't have been surprised to know she'd be living off grid to be honest.

As I pulled into a clearing, some field in the middle of nowhere that was surrounded by the most beautiful view of the cliffs in the distance and a forest, I spotted a camper van parked up in the grass, with deck chairs, a barbecue and a bench outside. I chewed on my lip when I double checked the coordinates, only to see it was the right place and she'd actually been living in a camper van for the past week.

Once I parked up, I got out the car and glanced over the camper van, knowing that definitely couldn't be big enough for both of us. But it was certainly a step up from my shitty apartment, so I wasn't complaining.

As my my eyes skimmed it, I spotted Natasha herself in the window, standing over the sink. When her eyes met mine, a soft smile formed on her lips and she raised her hand slightly, waving her fingers. Admittedly, I felt butterflies in my stomach when she did and returned the wave, excited to see her.

Closing the car door, I grabbed my bag from the backseat – a simple over-the-shoulder duffle bag that didn't have too much stuff in because she'd told me not to bring a lot – and approached the van. Natasha had opened the door and was walking down the steps, looking as stunning as ever.

I stopped before her, taking her presence in for a moment. She looked different to when I'd last seen her, but in a good way. Her red hair had grown out a little longer, but it was pinned out of her face, revealing her bright green eyes that always made me melt. She was wearing a hoodie and joggers, something I'd rarely seen her in because she was usually suited and booted for a mission. The domesticity of it all was heartwarming.

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