right person, wrong time【three】| natasha romanoff

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summary: Natasha is kept busy with the Avengers as you're kept busy with Coulson and your new team, but circumstances keep bringing you both back together.

warning/s: none i don't think?

author's note: another day, another part to this imagine! only one more part left oof

Over the next six months, I continued working as usual, but was also bought in on a private project ran by an anonymous agent

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Over the next six months, I continued working as usual, but was also bought in on a private project ran by an anonymous agent. I didn't know much, but by the time the new year came, I was finally shared more details than I initially had.

Agent Phil Coulson, who was supposed to have died in the Battle of New York, hadn't actually died and instead was working privately within S.H.I.E.L.D., putting together a small, highly-trained team of agents dedicated to combatting extraterrestrial threats. I wasn't sure why he wanted me, since I'd never had experience fighting aliens, but apparently my years at S.H.I.E.L.D. and expertise in communications and hacking were enough for him to want me to act as a mentor to the newbies in his team, Agent Simmons and Agent Fitz.

Being a mentor wasn't my first port of call, especially since I knew it would make me feel ten times older than the twenty-eight year old I was, but I knew I was getting bored doing the same old thing at HQ, so trying something different wouldn't be so bad. It was mainly based in New York, which was different to what I was used to, be Coulson had his own private quinjet – the Bus, so it could've been fun.

Working alongside Agent Ward and Agent May also, our first mission resulted in recruiting Agent Skye, a hacktivist who hacked our own network. It was pretty amazing actually, what she'd been capable of with such little resources, and though she was a tricky one to keep in check, she was a great addition to the team.

I was reading a book on the Bus as were stationary in the sky. For once, there was no life-threatening mission to go on, no training to do, no agents to teach, so I was enjoying my leisure time by reading a book.

"You look lonely," Skye's voice came out of nowhere, and I looked up to see her racing to the couch I was sat on, only to jump on it suddenly and make me drop my book.

"Thanks for that, Skye, really," I said as she laughed at my dismay.

Picking up my book, she made herself comfortable on the other end of the couch and stretched her feet onto my lap, making me give her a sideways glance but allow it.

"I wasn't lonely, I was enjoying a bit of peace and quiet," I corrected her comment from before. "Kinda ruined it."

"Oh, be quiet, you love me," she said with a childish grin, making me crack a smile but look to my book. "I'll give you your peace and quiet. Continue."

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