my responsibility【four】| alicia clark

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summary: now that you've finally got back to your old self, you decide it's time to make things right with Alicia.

warning/s: none.

author's note: this is the last part – i hope you all like it and thanks again for your comments, i always appreciate it 🥰

author's note: this is the last part – i hope you all like it and thanks again for your comments, i always appreciate it 🥰

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It was amazing what a supportive family and good old sleep could do for someone.

Since my mum and I had talked things through, I'd been trying to make things right with myself. The nightmares didn't disappear overnight, neither did the guilt, but I was no longer dealing with it all alone which made it easier. I confided in my mum, she reminded me everyday that none of this was my fault, and she made me believe that things could be good again.

With time, I began to blame myself a lot less, I was sleeping through the night, my anger wasn't so present anymore... things were coming together again. I was feeling like myself again, and I knew it was down to a number of reasons, but the most important one was Alicia.

I still hadn't spoken to her and she hadn't approached me since she'd told my mum on me, but I felt her presence anyway. Around the settlement, I'd see her and felt the guilt of the way I'd treated her digging a hole in my chest. Once I was certain I was feeling much better and generally in a better place, I knew it was time to make things right with her. That, and the fact that my mum and Y/B/N were constantly dropping hints that I needed to make the effort.

Spotting her by the water tank filling a water bottle, I sucked up a breath and approached her with a whole speech prepared. She didn't notice me until she'd finished filling her bottle and turned around, almost bumping into me. When her eyes met mine, they widened slightly before she mumbled an apology and was about to sidestep me, but I stopped her and hugged her without thinking.

She froze and I almost let go, thinking I'd pushed my luck so soon, but then I felt her arms wrap around me reluctantly. All the words in my head disappeared and I wasn't sure what to do other than hold her, my arms tightening because I hadn't realised how guilty I felt and how much I'd missed her until I was hugging her.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, unable to let go just yet.

She paused, and then said, "You don't need to apologise."

I frowned, my chest tightening. "I do. It wasn't your fault."

Finding the courage, I pulled away from the hug and met her stare halfway, the nerves returning as soon as green eyes found mine. She watched me patiently and I reminded myself that she couldn't just read my mind.

"I wasn't okay," I spoke carefully, "not after what happened. But you helped even when I didn't want you to. I– thank you for that."

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