first friend【two】| yelena belova

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summary: when you convince Yelena to go out with the flirty barista serving you, you begin to realise that you may actually like her yourself.

warning/s: mentions of a breakup, shitty girlfriends and the mildest of angst.

author's note: here's the second and final part! who doesn't love a bit of yelena? i've got a multi-part alicia clark imagine coming up next 🥰

author's note: here's the second and final part! who doesn't love a bit of yelena? i've got a multi-part alicia clark imagine coming up next 🥰

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Whenever bad things happen, everybody thinks it's the worst it can be and that they'll never get out from it. And that was exactly how I felt with the whole Thomas situation. Turns out all I needed to do was share my feelings with somebody.

After Yelena discovered the truth about our break up, it became a lot easier for me to move on from it. I didn't feel like I was holding it all alone, and if I ever did feel lonelier than usual, she was always there for me to call.

I was surprised she didn't do something horribly irreversible or probably illegal to him in some form of payback, considering she was still very much pissed about the whole thing. I'd made it clear I didn't want her to, and I was very appreciative of her listening to me.

A month passed and I didn't even care for Thomas anymore. It was easy to let it all go, to an extent. I tried to focus on myself again and appreciate what I did have in my life. And one of those things was Yelena, of course.

We were out on a coffee date during our lunch break one day. It was nice to get out of the Compound, especially during the few breaks I got, and Yelena happened to be mission-free so was able to join me.

"Sorry, one second, my phone keeps vibrating," she said when we were mid-conversation. 

I waited patiently, watching as she quickly flicked through her messages.

"Who is it?" I asked, before sipping my iced coffee.

She sighed, tapping away quickly before locking her phone. "Just Nat. She can't find her hoodie."

"Oh, d'you know where it is?"


I quirked a brow. "And you told her?"

"I told her I don't know," she said casually, before slurping her fruit drink.

I tried not to laugh as I glanced at what Yelena had on. "Is it the hoodie you're wearing by any chance?"

She didn't respond, but a smile curled on her lips as she met my eyes playfully. I chuckled, shaking my head at her silliness.

"I don't know how you're so confident lying to her. When she finds out, she'll be so angry," I said.

"She doesn't scare me," she answered with a shrug.

I raised my eyebrows in disagreement. "Seriously? She's intimidating as fuck! The Black Widow!" When Yelena didn't seem to agree, I scoffed quietly. "Honestly, I probably never would have talked to her if it wasn't for you. She's scary."

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