moving on【six】| alicia clark

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summary: you refuse to give up on your sister, even if she's adamant on not joining you, but you're not sure what else you can do to convince her.

warning/s: mentions of violence, injuries, guns and death.

author's note: this is delayed, my apologies! i'm on holiday and the wifi isn't the greatest lol. This is the final part though so i hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as i've enjoyed writing it! :)

 This is the final part though so i hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as i've enjoyed writing it! :)

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"This is it," Y/S/N said with finality as we stopped before the front gates of her hideout.

I frowned, looking out at the vast emptiness that I'd have to make my way through to get home again. I didn't care about the journey – I'd declined when Y/S/N offered to send some of her people to accompany me back – I cared that she wasn't coming with me. Last night, I'd barely gotten any sleep, trying to think up ways to convince her to come back home with me. But this morning, she'd shown me no sign of hearing me out and I was running out of time.

"I'm really glad you stopped by," she said, turning to face me. "Knowing you're alive... I'm grateful. But you need to go home. And I have to stay here."

"Y/S/N, please," I begged, stepping forward and clutching her arm. "I didn't come all this way to leave you behind. You're better than this. Than these people."

She clenched her jaw slightly, but remained calm. "I love you, Y/N. Have a safe journey."

Tearing her arm from my grasp, she began to walk the other way, but I refused to let her go. There was no way this was it between us. She was my sister – she had to see that this was crazy!

"Y/S/N!" I shouted, going after her and grabbing her arm again. "You have to come with me!"

As I pulled her back, a nearby guard shoved me backwards and onto the floor, immediately aiming his rifle at my head. Before I knew it, all nearby guards had pointed their guns my way.

"Stop!" Y/S/N ordered, and I looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"You're better than this," I repeated, meeting her gaze and hoping I could get through to her.

"You don't belong here," the man who shoved me said with disgust. "Y/S/N does."

I ignored him and looked to my sister, but she didn't say a word to defend me.

"You don't need her," the man continued, eyes looking me up and down. "You seem to be doing alright by yourself. Huh. Where did you come from?"

"Nowhere," I spat out, glaring up at him.

"I overheard her and Y/S/N talking in the kitchen," another guard shouted. "Apparently she's from a nice cushy place with food, water, the lot! Somewhere we could all go."

I clenched my jaw, immediately regretting having confided to Y/S/N in what I thought was secret. Of course the guards had been listening. What had I done?

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