late night visitor | kate bishop

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summary: when Kate knocks on your door, showing up and looking like hell, you have no choice but to help her through it, even if you technically broke up not long ago.

warning/s: explicit mentions of injuries and death.

author's note: this is a drabble that came to me a few weeks ago and i had an impulse to write lol. just something soft and maybe angsty?? for our dear Kate <3 also i'm aware that drabbles are like 500 words but when have i ever written anything below 1000 c'mon 😂

 just something soft and maybe angsty?? for our dear Kate <3 also i'm aware that drabbles are like 500 words but when have i ever written anything below 1000 c'mon 😂

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I stifled my yawn as I went to door of my apartment upon hearing somebody knock. It was late and I wasn't expecting anybody, so I took caution when answering, being sure to check through the peephole beforehand. That's when I saw Kate's face and immediately opened the door, jaw clenching at the sight of her.

She was leaning against the doorframe for support, dressed in her archery suit, arrows on her back and bow in hand. It wasn't an unfamiliar sight, especially the deep purple bruise – almost as purple as her suit – on her eye and clear injury to her torso that she was covering.

"I had nowhere else to go," she said quietly, with a broken, apologetic voice.

I frowned, not doubting that. She had nowhere else but here, not since her mother had been arrested, not without being alone. Despite it being the third time in the past fortnight that she'd shown up at my door looking battered and bruised, she still felt the need to tell me the same thing every time.

"Get in here," I said with a hint of annoyance, mainly at the fact that she'd managed to get herself beaten up once again.

Pushing herself off the door frame, she took a step forward, putting her weight on me with a grimace and a stifled groan. I kicked the door close behind me as I led her further into my apartment, tossing her bow to the side.

"How bad?" I asked, pausing by the kitchen counter and glancing over at her.

She shook her head, not very convincingly. "Not so bad. I'm just–" She paused, wincing. "Just want to lay down if that's okay."

My heart clenched with concern at how exhausted she sounded and looked. I spared her the lecture that was waiting on the tip of my tongue and brought her into my bedroom, helping her to lay down gently. She let out a relieved sigh when I stood up, eyes fluttering close as the tension was eased off her feet.

I took that opportunity to study her momentarily, my heart leaping into my throat the longer I stared. That stupid suit – the superhero suit that she thought made her invincible but was really just part of the look – was getting on my nerves every time I saw it. It probably had its uses in a fight, but none that I cared to hear about, not when it landed her in my apartment late at night looking like hell.

Moving her arrows out of the way, I took a seat at the edge of the bed, noticing her hand on her torso still.

"You've got to be more careful with your nightly activities, Kate," I mumbled, attempting to hide my worry, but it was no use.

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