stupidly jealous【one】| alycia debnam-carey

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summary: it was only supposed to be a summer job, and yet it became so much more when you met the girl you'd soon fall in love with.

warning/s: none.

author's note: okay so being ill recently has delayed me getting this out lol, my bad. Either way, it's finally here and will have a few parts. It's an au so Alycia isn't famous in this, but yeah! hope you like it! :)

just to note: Y/S/N = your sister's name and Y/M/N = your mum's name

just to note: Y/S/N = your sister's name and Y/M/N = your mum's name

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Prologue Part One...

"I want to congratulate you all, once again, on getting this job. Hopefully you'll enjoy this summer as much as we all do!"

I squinted my eyes as I looked at my employer giving a longwinded speech about how myself and a bunch of other 17-year-olds got the job to work as camp counsellors at a summer camp.

"Before you go, I want to remind you that your emails should have all of the relevant information regarding your buddy. This should help you both settle in nicely and make friends. After all, a happy team is good for the kids."

My employer, Mr. Fox, smiled at the group of us as we all waited impatiently to get on the coach already.

As if reading our minds, the coach driver approached him and mumbled something to him, making him straighten up and nod. The coach driver headed back to the coach, getting in, as Mr. Fox cleared his throat.

"Okay, you should all get going now, but remember to have fun! This is more than just a job, it's an experience!"

He looked out at us all, as if expecting some sort of reaction, but everyone stayed staring at him until he waved us away. I followed the group of teens onto the coach, taking a seat in the middle by the window since I was one of the first few on.

I didn't really know anybody, at least I didn't think I did. The job came up as an opportunity advertised at school and I applied because I needed the money before I headed off to university. My friends didn't want to do it with me which meant I was alone, but I tried not to worry about it too much. Making friends wasn't impossible.

As I put my seatbelt on and got comfortable, a pretty girl stopped by my seat and looked down questioningly.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked, and I noticed she had an accent that I couldn't quite pinpoint just yet.

"No, go for it," I said with a small smile.

She flashed me an easygoing smile in return, before putting her backpack up top and taking a seat beside me. Admittedly, I grew a little nervous as I realised there and then that it had been a long time since I'd had to make friends with someone, and I couldn't for the life of me remember how to make conversation.

"So what's your name?" she asked, taking the lead (to my relief).

"Y/N," I said with a nod. "Y/N Y/L/N."

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