moving on【three】| alicia clark

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summary: as you struggle to settle into your new home, Alicia tries her hardest to get to know you, and you certainly don't make it easy.

warning/s: none.

author's note: sorry for the delay in getting this part out! i've had a busy few days, but i do hope you enjoy it. This was one of my favourite parts to write :)

I wasn't sure what my plan was for the late afternoon, but after finishing my chores for the day, I was walking back to my room when I saw Madison standing over a pile of wood

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I wasn't sure what my plan was for the late afternoon, but after finishing my chores for the day, I was walking back to my room when I saw Madison standing over a pile of wood. Her hands were on her hips as as she sighed, looking over at it. From what I could gather, she was building something.

I didn't intend to stop, but she looked up when she caught me passing by and called out to me. Not wanting to be rude, I approached her.

"You all good?" I asked when I stopped beside her

She smiled. "Yeah, are you free for a minute? I just need a hand carrying these planks over there." Pointing a thumb over her shoulder, she was referring to the small structure of a shed or room she was working on.

"Yeah, sure...," I answered, not wanting to leave her to it alone.

I kneeled down on one side, lifting the planks as she did the same on the other side. It was heavy and I was trying very hard not to get splinters as we carried it closer to the structure.

"Sorry, I should have given you gloves," she noticed when she saw me struggling. "Thanks for this, Y/N."

"It's okay," I said, and we left the wood on the ground. "Are you working on this by yourself? Shouldn't you have help?"

She snickered, slapping her hands on her jeans. "Well, my son was supposed to be giving me a hand, but he didn't show. Probably lost track of time."


"That's the one," she said with a sigh, though she was smiling. Then, she changed the subject as she squinted in the sun to look at me. "How are you anyway? I feel like I haven't seen you around much. You settling in okay?"

I don't know why I stumbled over my answer, again feeling like I needed to show a little more gratitude for all they'd done for me here and not how I was actually feeling. "I– yeah. Everybody is really nice and it's safe and–"

"It feels strange," she finished for me, practically reading my mind.

A little relieved she'd figured it out, I breathed out slowly and nodded. She wasn't judging, nor offended.

"It's gonna be hard, but you deserve a fresh start," she said, and she sounded just like Alicia. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. It should have annoyed me, their inherent optimism, but it was surprisingly refreshing to see them have such faith in this place, even if it was a little misplaced.

She added, "Hopefully this place can help you."

I pressed my lips together, unsure how to reply. I kept hearing that a lot lately, as if this stadium was supposed to be a magic solution to all of my problems. But it wouldn't bring back my sister, would it?

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