watching TV【two】| kate bishop

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summary: you're beginning to get over your sudden breakup, but it's left it's mark on you. And as if that's not already taking its toll, you're starting to think of Kate in another light.

warning/s: none.

author's note: here's part two! hope you like it :)

author's note: here's part two! hope you like it :)

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Two months later (after the breakup)

It's hard at first, getting over Hannah. Even though she broke my heart, I still love her. For a while, even after everything. I can't just fall out of love with her straight away, can I? But it gets easier, mostly because of Kate and also because of time. Time heals all, right? That's what the saying is?

I'd like to think that I'm better now, but the truth is that there's always going to a be a mark left by Hannah. I hate to admit it, but it's true. Sometimes, I get lost in my head, wondering what could have been with her. And when it's not that, I still let it eat up at me – everything she said, everything she made me feel – whenever a chance at moving on or falling in love comes up again. I could be working and some cute girl will flirt with me at the counter, but I can never pursue it. It doesn't feel right to.

I'm scared to put myself out there. I hate that that's how I am now, but it's something I can't control. What if I find someone again and it works out, we fall in love, and then they realise the truth about me? That I'm not enough? And then they leave? I don't think I can go through that again... so for now, I'm happily single. I'm not sure for how long, but it's better this way. Besides, I'm not alone. Kate always likes to remind me of that.

Part of moving on completely is sorting my life out, which includes trying to find a better job than as a barista. And to my luck, I land an interview at a well-established marketing agency which I may or may not really want, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up for.

As I go over my interview notes beforehand, my phone starts to ring and I realise it's a FaceTime call from Kate.

"Hey!" she shouts with a grin when I accept. "Look at you all fancy for your interview!"

I laugh at her enthusiasm, any nerves immediately dispersing when she speaks. "Thanks, nice to know I look the part."

"Of course you do," she assures. "You're gonna be amazing, Y/N. I just wanted to wish you a final good luck."

"What, like you haven't texted me a million times already?" I joke, making her wave her hand dismissively.

"Barely counts until I say it aloud," she defends, making my smile widen with amusement. "Now, remember. Start off strong with a handshake. A firm one so they know you mean business."

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