moving on【four】| alicia clark

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summary: you begin to realise that you like Alicia as more than a friend, and your delusional thoughts are telling you that maybe she likes you, too. 

warning/s: none.

author's note: this may or may not be the chapter you're all waiting for 😉 also y/c/h = your colour hair

author's note: this may or may not be the chapter you're all waiting for 😉 also y/c/h = your colour hair

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After an exciting yet very long day of activities and challenges, the competition was coming to a close. The teams were very close in points, ours – Team Unity – just a little ahead of the other, which meant the final challenge, a group tug of war, would determine the winner.

The odds were in nobody's favour, so it was hard to work out who could win. Alicia was still as competitive as ever and I found it wholeheartedly amusing, especially because she was doing a terrible job at hiding it. When we all lined up, getting ready to begin, she passed me the rope to pass behind and so on.

"Try not to let him psyche you out," I advised her, hiding a smile. "And even if he does, we tried our best."

"You're saying that like we've already lost," she said with a warning tone. "We haven't. And I won't."

"Whatever you say."

She breathed out coolly before looking ahead and directly at Nick who happened to be at the front, leading his team. He was grinning, enjoying watching his sister squirm. It was easy to tell who the easygoing sibling was.

Madison stepped up, whistle in hand, and glanced between both of her children. The rest of the residents were surrounding us all, anticipating the game and looking to Madison as she gave a quick speech.

"It's been a fantastic day of challenges, each team giving it their all," she started, and everybody cheered. "Team Unity are in the lead by three points, so the winner will be determined by the team that wins the tug of war. Best of luck to both teams!"

I clutched the rope tightly between my hands, glancing over my shoulder to see the others doing the same. When I looked ahead, Nick's team were smiling but ready to go.

Madison finally blew the whistle and I pulled with all my strength. The rope's tension was tight between both teams as we struggled against one another. There was cheering and hollering for both sides, names being shouted with encouragement, but I couldn't make out specifics because my arms were beginning to hurt.

"Come on, guys, we got this!" Alicia shouted with encouragement.

There were a few times when we had the upper hand and I truly thought we would win, but in a last second move, the other team tugged us all forward, making us stumble on and let go of the rope. I barely had the chance to realise we'd lost before the others erupted into screams of joy, the crowd cheering them on. Madison had blown the whistle to signal the end of the game and I straightened up, sighing when I realised what had happened.

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