a new life【three】| layla el-faouly

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summary: as you spend time with layla as a friend, you're forced to decide whether or not you can keep her in your life.

warning/s: none i don't think ??

author's note: and here's the last part! glad the few people who are reading enjoyed it haha, hope you like the conclusion :)

Layla: i know you said you prefer the colour silver over gold but you wear both colours when it comes to jewellery, so which do you prefer?

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Layla: i know you said you prefer the colour silver over gold but you wear both colours when it comes to jewellery, so which do you prefer?

When I got Layla's text, I was cooking dinner for my mum and I and it took me a minute to realise what she was talking about. She was in Egypt at the moment and even though she'd joked about getting me a gift, I didn't think she actually would.

Me: Layla you don't have to get me anything!

Layla: don't be annoying and tell me please thanks

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

Me: i'm serious, don't buy me anything. i don't want a gift

Layla: okay, i'll just take a guess and if you hate it, what a shame

Me: you're infuriating, d'you know that?

All she did was send a wink face emoji, making me roll my eyes yet again before pocketing my phone.

Things with Layla were going well, as well as they could considering I knew I was still in love with her. I tried so hard to keep it purely platonic between us, knowing it was what she wanted and what would be best for me, but I couldn't help how I felt for her. Even getting to know this older, mature version of her and catching up on everything I missed didn't change my feelings for her. It only made me fall harder.

I couldn't tell her, it wasn't fair to. She was here for me in the best way she could be and she didn't have to be. I needed to move on, I knew I did. Everything else in my life was making sense again – I had my retail job and was looking for new jobs, I'd made friends at work, I didn't hate going to my support group anymore and had even made a few friends there, too. It was all good again, but Layla... that was the one thing I was too selfish to not appreciate.

I wanted more because it had always been her and it always would be. Ever since we'd first met back at university, I knew she was the one...

"Okay, you have to leave because my new roommate is probably here now and going to think I need to hold my mum's hand for the first day," I said to mum when we were in the hallway of my new dorm.

My mum chuckled before handing me the final box of my belongings. "Okay, fine. But I'll have you know that I'm cooler than you think and I don't think your new roommate will disagree."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I said, eyes glancing down the hall and to my door distractedly.

"You'll be fine," my mum said with a reassuring smile when she caught me staring. "Give me a call tonight so I know your day went okay, yeah?"

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