the ranchers【four】| alicia clark

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summary: with only your guilt to sit with, you can't help but worry for Alicia's wellbeing and think about what you said to her.

warning/s: mentions of death and injury.

author's note: and here's the final part! still have some other stuff in the works but hope you guys liked this one :)

After cleaning up and getting into a fresh pair of clothes, all with Ofelia's help, I was able to get into a less volatile state and return to the Clarks, who were still pacing outside the medbay

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After cleaning up and getting into a fresh pair of clothes, all with Ofelia's help, I was able to get into a less volatile state and return to the Clarks, who were still pacing outside the medbay. When they spotted me, they paused and smiled a little, putting me at ease.

"Hey, sweetie, how're you feeling?" Madison asked.

"Better," I answered truthfully, before looking between them both. "I just want to apologise for before. I was hysterical and it wasn't appropriate. Not when your family member is in there, hurt."

"You don't need to apologise," Nick said, nudging my arm. "You're scared. We all are."

I swallowed hard, unsure what to say.

"They're almost done in there," he told me. "They're just wrapping her wounds and we can go in."

At this good news, my heart seemed to return to its normal pace for a moment. "She's okay?"

"She will be," Madison assured me. "It looked worse than it was, but you got her back in time."

I could have cried again at hearing this, but I figured they'd seen enough of my tears, so I settled for a sigh of relief.

The three of us stayed out there for a little longer, Ofelia soon joining us, before we were allowed inside to see her. It was hard for me to imagine anything other than the bloody mess I'd left her there as earlier, but when we approached her bed and saw her looking much better, cleaner and safer, I knew she was truly okay.

Madison and Nick rushed to her side instantly, taking a hand each as she was still unconscious. I felt like I was intruding as Ofelia and I stood to the side, giving them a moment. And then Madison looked up, nodding to me.

"D'you wanna see her?" she asked encouragingly, but I shook my head.

"It's okay," I politely declined, feeling incredibly awkward and also unable to look at her without feeling a sense of shame wash over me.

They didn't say anything about it, and I risked glancing at Alicia once more, my heart aching, but in a different way, when I saw her pale skin, closed eyes and still figure. I couldn't stay here, not when I knew what I'd said to her last – so I dismissed myself before giving them some space, knowing it was for the best.

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