not good enough | kate bishop

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summary: when Kate finally returns from university for the holidays, the plans is for you both to spend it together. But after her mum has some words with you, you start to question your place in Kate's life.

warning/s: minor mention of injury, gunshots and kate's mean mum smh

author's note: here's the result of a random thought i had recently lol. It's a bit of a long one but i didn't wanna split it into two parts so hope you all enjoy!

 It's a bit of a long one but i didn't wanna split it into two parts so hope you all enjoy!

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I was wiping down some tables and cleaning up the condiments when I heard a knock on the front door of my family's diner.

"We're closed!" I called out without looking up, but the knocking continued so I sighed and looked up, only to raise my brows with surprise.

Standing on the other side of the window was Kate Bishop, a grin on her face and waving her hand in the air. Kate had been my best friend since she came to get lunch with her dad as a kid, eating at this diner that my family owned. I met her then and, despite our very different lives, we'd remained best friends.

She'd been at university recently whilst I was working at the diner, so we rarely saw each other. But whenever she visited, it was like nothing had changed. She was visiting for the holidays this time, as always, but she wasn't supposed to come until tomorrow.

Laughing with disbelief, I dropped the cloth in my hand on the table and ran to the door, unlocking it and letting her in.

"Kate!" I exclaimed, staring at her with wide eyes. "You're here!"

"Indeed, I am," she said with a light chuckle before pulling me in for a hug. "Are you surprised? You look surprised."

I returned the hug, unable to stop the smile from leaving my face. "Very surprised. I thought you were coming back tomorrow? You're early."

She winked playfully, oblivious to the way it made my face heat up, and began to walk further into the diner. I swallowed hard and closed the door behind her, locking it.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," she explained. "I was actually going to stop by much earlier, but as soon as I got back, my mother wanted me to get ready for a gala she's forcing me to attend."

I crossed my arms, looking her up and down with amusement. "That explains the outfit."

"Well, it was either this or a red dress my mum left for me," she said with a disapproving look before taking a seat at one of the tables.

"So, I see you chose to get mistaken as a waiter instead," I teased as I sat opposite her, and she pulled a face.

"Ha-ha, very funny," she said with feigned amusement, and I laughed anyway.

Despite the fact that it was very easy to make fun of her, I did appreciate how stunning she looked tonight. I'd like to say it was because I hadn't seen her in person for a few months so was looking with fresh eyes, but I knew it wasn't that. She just always looked beautiful, especially tonight when she was clearly trying to piss off her mother but in a very classy way, donning a black suit that fitted her perfectly.

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