the Clarks【four】| alicia clark

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summary: the last thing you expect is for the world to basically end, but you're grateful you have the Clarks by your side as it does.

warning/s: mentions of the dead, blood, death and drug withdrawals,

author's note: this chapter was originally one super long one so i split into two short ones, hence why this is a little on the shorter end compared to others. Hope you like it nonetheless! one part left after this 🥰

A few hours later, as the sun was setting, my mum finally made it home in one piece

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A few hours later, as the sun was setting, my mum finally made it home in one piece. As soon as I saw her car pulling in the driveway from the Clarks front window, I was about to go and check on her per Madison's request, but Madison beat me to it and insisted she come with me.

"Okay...," I agreed with confusion. "But she'll be fine. She wasn't sick this morning and I doubt she's suddenly caught a cold between then and now."

Madison was unconvinced but joined my side nonetheless, but not without casting a final glance at Alicia, saying, "Don't leave the house. We won't be long."

Alicia rolled her eyes but nodded, joining her brother on the couch. Madison and I left for my house, myself letting her in and hoping my mum wouldn't be in a mood and start berating me or, even worse, Madison.

"Mum? You home?" I called out, closing the front door and going into the living-area. "Mum–?"

"Will you keep it down!" her familiar voice hissed from the couch, and Madison and I stopped when we saw her laying across it, head under a cushion. "I'm trying to sleep here!"

I sighed, rolling my eyes and shooting Madison an 'I told you so' look. "Okay, sorry. I'm heading over to the Clark's house."


Remembering why I hated being here, I dragged Madison back out the front door and we walked back to hers.

"See?" I said knowingly. "Nothing out the ordinary. Still as hostile as usual."

Madison glanced back at my house. "Hmm, yeah... d'you wanna stay at ours tonight? I'm sure Alicia would appreciate the help with Nick."

"You sure it won't be too much with Travis and his family coming around?"

She shook her head, patting me on the back as she motioned for me to go through the front door. "Of course not. There's always room for you here, you know that."

I smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Madison."

When we returned to the living room, Nick was trying to listen to the radio as Alicia was distracted by her phone, probably messaging Matt. When she saw us returning, she looked back to us both.

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