the king's ward【four】| morgana pendragon

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summary: now that you've left Camelot yet again, you and your brother figure out what to do next, but things don't go to

warning/s: mentions of blood, injury, fighting and kidnapping.

author's note: and here's the final part! this was a fun one to write so i do hope you all enjoyed it :)

author's note: and here's the final part! this was a fun one to write so i do hope you all enjoyed it :)

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"We could offer to help out on a farm in some outlying villages," Y/B/N said thoughtfully. "Might be a nice change of pace."

I groaned quietly as we rode slowly through the forest. "That's so boring. The last time we did that, I literally fell asleep guarding the chicken coop. It was a pointless job."

He chuckled. "That was too good. But I guess you're right. We've got enough supplies to last us the week, so for once, we can take our time with it."

I hummed, grateful. "Maybe we could go to the–"

Suddenly our horses neighed in unison, coming to a halt and throwing us off. Out of nowhere, a small group of bandits came rushing towards us, having hidden in the tree line. Y/B/N and I forced ourselves off the ground and grabbed our swords, moving to defend. But he was still weak and I worried for him, staying next to him to keep him safe.

There were too many bandits, enough to surprise and overwhelm us anyway, and with Y/B/N's injured shoulder, we were pinned down quicker than we'd ever been. They grabbed Y/B/N and pressed a dagger to his neck, making me pause as I had my sword raised to strike.

"Don't," one of the bandits warned me. "Give me your sword. Now."

I squeezed the hilt, stressed and worried and unsure how to respond, but they squeezed Y/B/N's injured shoulder, eliciting a groan, and I had to drop the sword, kicking it towards them. One of them scrambled to pick it up as the leader looked to me.

"Your mask," he ordered, motioning to my face.

"Y/N, don't–" Y/B/N started, but they punched him in the gut, silencing him.

"You can take the horses," I said, tugging off my mask. "Just let us go."

The leader laughed dryly. "So you're a girl. I knew it."

I wondered how he knew who we were, since we never showed our faces nor left anyone alive to make enemies.

"Your brother here dies unless you give us back our prize," he stated. "The King's Ward. Right here. Tomorrow night."

I tried to hide my surprise, but that's when I recognised the bandits' outfits. These were part of the same group who orchestrated Morgana's kidnapping. Maybe Y/N and I didn't get them all like we'd thought. And now they were back and we were screwed.

"I can't," I told him, trying not to give anything away. "She would never follow me. Especially not so soon after a kidnapping."

"Figure it out," the leader snarled. "Maybe next time you'll stay out of affairs that aren't yours."

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