my responsibility【three】| alicia clark

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summary: Alicia's friends are to pick her up soon, and you find it difficult to say goodbye.

warning/s: mentions of guns, injury and death.

author's note: and here's part three! there's not tons of people reading this but to those who are, i hope you're enjoying it! only one more part left :)

Since Alicia wasn't going anywhere until the evening, I continued to supervise her for the rest of the day, which consisted of us hanging out a little more before we'd have to leave

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Since Alicia wasn't going anywhere until the evening, I continued to supervise her for the rest of the day, which consisted of us hanging out a little more before we'd have to leave.

We played some darts, talked about our lives before the dead began to rise, made lunch together for everyone per her request, and even helped my brother and mother out with putting together some new fencing to replace the electric fences. Eventually, it was getting closer to the time when we'd have to check in with her friends and probably make a move to leave, so we were sat upstairs in her room, myself packing a little bag for her to take with her.

I wasn't sure she'd need it, but it only felt right to make sure she had enough to survive on until she reached her home. Alicia assured me she definitely didn't need it and argued that I was doing too much, but once I bugged her about it enough times, she left me to it.

She was sat on her bed, leaning against the headboard and watching me pack a backpack at the foot of her bed whilst we chatted mindlessly.

"...It was nice meeting you," I said after a pause in our conversation, unable to look up as I folded some spare tee shirts for her to take with her.

"I haven't gone yet," she joked, and I smiled, glancing at her.

"Still. I didn't realise how nice it was to have someone else around until you came. So, thanks."

Her playfulness subsided when she realised I was telling the truth, and her green eyes shimmered with the same bittersweet feeling I felt right now.

"Maybe you can visit sometimes," she suggested. "This doesn't have to be it."

I gave her a knowing look. "If my mum lets me."

Alicia rolled her eyes at my retort. "She's just trying to protect you."

I got back to packing as I replied, "Yeah, I know. It would just be nice to have neighbours or something."

"The place I'm going, it's not far from here," she reminded me with a soft voice. "Maybe I can visit you sometimes. Or you can visit me and stay over for a few nights. Kind of like a sleepover."

Cracking a smile, I snickered under my breath at the thought of that. Not only did it sound very childlike, but it was also probably never going to happen. As much as I would have wanted it to, my mum would never approve, no matter how much she was beginning to get on with Alicia. It just wasn't part of our survival plan. And I think, deep down, Alicia must have known that, too.

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